
Friday, August 22, 2014

Our World Is A Horrible Place

Should we just turn off our TV's. laptops, iPads, iPhones and cancel our subscriptions to all newspapers and magazines?  If we simply avoid the news of be-headings, wars, rapes, disease, family breakdowns, etc...  won't we all just be a lot better off?

I ran across this blog today which some of you may find interesting...but before I even post his stuff, let me offer up one idea we have all heard...."Life on earth is a BATTLEGROUND not a playground."....and if you look at pictures of the previous battlegrounds of war you find dead bodies, dead horses, scorched earth, dead trees, huge craters and collapsed buildings.  It isn't pretty.

Friends, we are NOT on this earth to be entertained and have fun. NO!

We are here to glorify God, make disciples for Jesus, use the gifts He gave us to be salt and light and combat the forces of darkness until either Jesus comes for us or we go to him.

With that little prelude...let's now see what infamous blogger, Matt Walsh, has to say about this topic about living in fear in this fallen world;

So let me tell you the thought that comforts and motivates me, and I think it addresses both the trust and the fear:

I must trust God that He put us here, in this place, in this country, at this time for a reason.

Sometimes, in my weaker moments, I’m tempted to look at all of the things you listed — the hatred, the death, the evil, the lies, the ignorance — and think that God drew up the blueprints for the human race back before the beginning of time, evenly distributed a healthy dose of just, virtuous, and righteous souls throughout every period of history, and then got to our civilization and realized that He did His math wrong and used up all of the good and intelligent people on the previous eras. Then He didn’t feel like going back and reworking everything so He just figured that He’d pack all of the weak, selfish, imbeciles into our spot on the timeline.

You know, it’s sort of like when you have a big bag of mixed nuts and you eat all of the good stuff — walnuts, almonds, cashews — in the first couple of days, until there’s nothing but peanuts left.

We are the cosmic equivalent of a picked-over bag of nuts. We are the peanuts. Or, in another snack analogy, the purple Jolly Ranchers. The rejects.

At least, that’s what I think when I’m feeling especially sorry for myself.

However, the truth couldn’t be further from this.

The truth is that God knew what challenges we would face before we faced them. He knew where our society would be before we were born into it. He knew of the despair, violence, and misery before we felt it.

He knew that our time would call for warriors, and so He sent us.

He sent us — you and me and everyone. He sent us here, now, today, because we have work to do. We have a mission to complete, a purpose to fulfill.


Yes!  We ARE here for a reason!  Jesus placed us on earth at this specific time FOR A REASON!

So what are we you and I going to do about this...once it has been made plain to us?

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