
Monday, August 25, 2014

Putin Continues to Sound More Like Gog

One of the major prophecies yet to be fulfilled is Ezekiel 38-39.  It tells of a time when the leader of Russia will gather a coalition of Muslim states including Iran, Turkey, Libya, Sudan and maybe a few other North African/Muslim nations.  He will gather them to make war on Israel.  The Russians want Israel because of the newly found oil and natural gas that Israel has discovered and the Muslims agree to join in because they hate Israel and Jews.

Most prophecy watchers agree that this battle has to happen sometime before the Great Tribulation.

Why do they say that?  Because of this passage in Ezekiel 39

Ezekiel 39:9-10
9"Then those who inhabit the cities of Israel will go out and make fires with the weapons and burn them, both shields and bucklers, bows and arrows, war clubs and spears, and for seven years they will make fires of them.

10"They will not take wood from the field or gather firewood from the forests, for they will make fires with the weapons; and they will take the spoil of those who despoiled them and seize the plunder of those who plundered them," declares the Lord GOD.

The rational goes like this:  If the Tribulation is going to last 7 years and then Jesus comes back to put an end to the Tribulation....certainly Israel isn't still going to be burning the weapons of war AFTER Jesus returns and begins His 1000 year reign in Israel must start burning these weapons of war BEFORE the Antichrist signs an agreement with Israel that last 7 years.

But we also KNOW that the Antichrist WON'T be revealed until AFTER the rapture of the it is most likely that the war Ezekiel prophesied will happen sometime after the rapture but before the Great Tribulation. (also known as the 70th Week of Daniel)

If you want to study this whole scenario more, here is one good article to get you started.

So is it possible that Putin of Russia could end up being Gog of Magog...and possibly be the man that ends up leading this Last Days coalition?

We have no idea....but what we do know is that Putin certainly appears to have some of Gog's if he isn't actually Gog...he sure appears to be "Gog-esque" in his actions.

Putin’s Pride – Danger for the World

As the Obama administrations draws down our forces to pre-WWII levels, and even front-line military officers are dismissed when in action against the enemy, Russia is doing something quite different. Russian president Vladimir Putin is proudly boasting of his nation's "offensive and defensive" weaponry which is so advanced that "other armies in the world" do not yet have their equal, according to a Kremlin-controlled Russian-language website.

Russia's feverish military build-up began in 2008 and is projected to continue through 2020. The Kremlin is determined to rival the U.S. armed forces. Moscow is almost completely remaking its military, and has developed, or is process of developing, new models of jet fighters, bombers, intercontinental ballistic missiles, hypersonic missiles, submarines, and surface ships. Putin has also shaken up the Russian top brass with a completely re-done command and control structure.

The Russian army itself is projected to become more of a volunteer, professional force, much less reliant on draftees. Military pay and housing are also improving as the build-up proceeds.

There are problems, however. Russian industry is having difficulty producing modern, technically sophisticated weaponry. Moscow has turned to the West for assistance, and the West has obliged. The most enthusiastic supporter of the Russian arms industry is France, which is building two Mistral-class helicopter assault carriers. The deal for the carriers was first struck in 2008, and the delivery dates for the ships, one in 2014 and the other in 2015, have remianed firm despite the Russian invasion of Ukraine's Crimean province.

Cooperation between Russia and China can make life very difficult for U.S. allies in the area. Japan is particularly vulnerable. Unfortunately for Tokyo, both Russia and China have reasons for weakening Japan Moscow does not want to see a strong Japan as a competitor for the Russian-occupied islands which Japan still claims. Moscow is building up its naval, air, and land forces near Japan, and Russian aircraft periodically violate Japanese airspace. China is ready to confront Tokyo over a chain of uninhabited islands (Senkaku to the Japanese, Diaoyu to the Chinese) in the South China Sea, and area which is also one of the world's most important shipping lanes.

If Russia and China are ever allowed to intimidate Japan and possibly reduce Japan to a dependent state, the United States would be seen as powerless, and unable, or unwilling, to protect its allies. If America retreats from the Asia-Pacific region, the independent island of Taiwan would fall to China's overwhelming might, and even the Philippines and Australia would find themselves in danger.
The United States would, in effect, no longer be a world power.

In such a situation, the United States would rapidly find itself as dependent on the will of Moscow and Bejing. Russia and China will then be the de facto arbiters of the world, and Americans would then find that even in domestic politics, the political elite of Moscow and Beijing would have a controlling interest.

Free people, in order to remain free, must remain loyal to each other. Any sign of weakness will bring on the most calamitous consequence.


Remember friends, NO MAN KNOWS THE DAY OR THE HOUR of when our Lord will come for His bride...which is the church...which is made up of all people, dead and alive, who have trusted in Jesus and are indwelt with the Holy Spirit. we discern the times and read the headlines and see this Ezekiel 38 coalition forming...we SHOULD NOT be surprised if the trumpet were to blow announcing that the Bridegroom is at hand!

What a glorious day that will be!

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