
Friday, August 15, 2014

The War Zone in Ferguson, MO

No doubt most of you have been watching the riots that erupted in Missouri over the past 4-5 days.

A young black man was shot by the police and the black folks (70% of city is black) got mad and decided to get even with "the system" by destroying a QuikTrip convenience store and also looting some electronics store and a auto parts store!!

Nothing says "Justice for Michael!" like steeling some 24 inch chrome rims for your Chevy Caprice!!

Of course the police responded with tear gas, swat teams, military armored vehicles and riot police....but hey, if you got it, you may as well flaunt it!

So what's really going on here?

Race against race and the militarization of our police force.

Should this surprise us?


Jesus said in the Last Days there would be nation against nation (race against race)....and certainly as times get more scary you will see people start to be drawn to their various tribes/groups for strength.
The blacks, the Latinos, the Somalis, etc...  One group doesn't trust the other group so tensions build and then something triggers an explosion.

The blacks in Ferguson, MO are poor.  Whose fault is it?  Well, 70% of the black babies are born with no fathers and we KNOW that single mothers have a 90% chance of ending up on figure it out...whose fault is it?  The black community is having a societal breakdown caused by rampant immorality...and they want to blame their family problems on someone else.

"But Dennis, there was slavery and ill treatment of blacks here in America!"

Yep.  Time to get over that.  Playing the VICTIM CARD for decades starts to get really old.

The Jews had a holocaust 70 years ago and had ALL THEIR STUFF taken from them by every country in the world!!....and we don't hear them complaining about fairness.

Now the story is coming out that the Ferguson police shot this boy after he was involved in a "strong arm robbery"....meaning he stole something from a store and when the clerk confronted him he hit the clerk.

Of course the black community is refusing to believe this story.

A suburban St. Louis police chief on Friday identified the officer whose fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager ignited days of heated protests, and released documents alleging the teen was killed after a robbery in which he was suspected of stealing a $48.99 box of cigars.

Ferguson, Mo., Police Chief Thomas Jackson said that the robbery took place just before noon on Saturday at a nearby convenience store roughly 10 minutes before a police officer identified as Darren Wilson fired the bullet that killed Michael Brown. Police say that the shot was fired after a struggled touched off by Wilson's confronting Brown. Jackson said Wilson is a six-year veteran with no disciplinary action on his record.

The news conference came after nearly a week of sometimes-violent protests and calls by many, including President Obama, for local law enforcement to be more transparent about the circumstances surrounding the shooting. Police previously said they withheld Wilson's identity because of the potential for threats on the officer and his family. The officer has been on administrative leave since the shooting.

Police released still images and were planning to release video from the robbery, at a QuikTrip store in Ferguson. Jackson said Wilson, along with other officers, were called to the area after a 911 call reporting a "strong-arm robbery" at a nearby convenience store. He didn't immediately release details about the alleged robbery, saying more information would be released later.


"Dennis, YOU ARE A RACIST!" I'm not.  I don't like thugs who walk around with their pants on the ground, refusing to get jobs and claiming that someone else OWES them food, clothing a shelter...I DON"T CARE WHAT COLOR THEY ARE!

Ferguson, MO is most likely a foreshadowing of what is coming for Los Angeles, Oakland, Atlanta, St. Paul, Houston...and probably a city near you.

What will trigger it?  Could be lots of things....but having food prices skyrocket while the Foodstamps Program stays static, might be one flash point.  People tend to get angry when you stop feeding them.

P.S.  If you still believe I'm a racist please read this commentary about Ferguson and black violence written by a black woman.

I believe it is harder to call a black person a racist.

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