
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Wild Weather

Maybe you have seen it, but NBC has a segment on their nightly news that they have titled EXTREME WEATHER.  The segment is filled with the latest crazy reports of weather going wild around the world.

Hurricane Iselle barreled towards Hawaii early Tuesday, with forecasters warning that the islands could face a one-two punch as Tropical Storm Julio is trailing not far behind.

It is extremely rare to have such major storms in such quick succession, according to Weather Channel lead meteorologist Kevin Roth. He said the most recent example was in 1982 when two significantly weaker tropical storms and depressions hit ten days apart.

“In 75 years of reliable data you only have one case where they were even 10 days apart,” he said. And for Hawaii to be facing two spaced just two to three days apart? “This is unprecedented in the satellite era,” Roth added.


Yes!  "Extremely rare"!

In over 75 years of reliable date....this event has NEVER happened.

Hmmm.....maybe more evidence of birth pains?

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