
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Can You Know For Sure If You Are a Man or Woman?

Up is down, down is up, left is right, right is left, good is evil, evil is good, men are women, women are men.

Wow!  What a messed up, confusing world we live in!

The good news is that Notre Dame is offering high-school kids a class to help folks figure out if they are a men or women...and they can even get credit for it!!

The University of Notre Dame will conduct a “Gender and Culture in American Society” course for high school students next summer, where they will be encouraged to question their gender identity in exchange for college credit.

The Catholic school’s Gender Studies director, Abby Palko, will lead the course and will “ask [the high schoolers] to explain how they know for sure whether they are male or female.”

A website, outlining the accentuated topics covered in the course says, “[w]e will address the questions of how ‘woman’/’the feminine’ and ‘man’/’the masculine’ have been represented and created in our cultural system.”

“When you were a baby, did your parents dress you in pink or blue? Why don’t girls (typically) play football? Why don’t guys (typically) wear make-up?” the website asks.

One of the goals of the course is that “[s]tudents will develop a basic understanding of current theoretical explanations of gender, including femininity, masculinity, sexualities, patriarchy, and feminism.”


You see friends, in the beginning God created MAN and then he created WOMAN to be a helper for man.  Clearly, he made their sex organs as MAN and WOMAN as well.  Satan doesn't like God's plan, and never has, so he is constantly devising plans to blur the lines.

"Did God REALLY say that a man and another man shouldn't copulate?", asks Satan.  "That doesn't sound very loving or tolerant."

"Do you REALLY know if there is a difference between men and women...or are we all just people?", asks the professor to a bunch of confused high-school kids.

Lord, help us!


  1. The division isn't so clear sometimes. Ex. Intersex individuals.

  2. Agreed....but do we really need a college class for the 1 out of 1 million who are born questionable? Nope.

    Clearly, this is just one more attempt to get people used to the idea that HUSBANDS and WIVES are a thing of the past.
