
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

False Gospels Abound

How sad.  Here in America, we are so wealthy that we have even come up with a new religion, called the WEALTH AND PROSPERITY gospel.

Basically the beliefs taught by this new religion is that God wants you to be happy, wealthy and healthy!

One of the high priests of this new (and false) religion is Pastor Joel Osteen.  Has has about 25,000 people show up to hear him preach every Sunday and has sold more books and tapes on HOW YOU CAN LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE NOW...that he has used his book proceeds to buy himself and nice mansion on a hill.

Recently, Joel's wife said some things from the pulpit that totally expose the falseness of of this religion.

“So I want you to know this morning: Just do good for your own self. Do good because God wants you to be happy. When you come to church, when you worship Him, you’re not doing it for God really. You’re doing it for yourself, because that’s what makes God happy. Amen?”


Ummm.....sorry Mrs. Osteen.  You couldn't be more wrong about what God wants.

God wants us to be set apart for His purposes...made holy.

Was Paul happy when he was in prison waiting for his head to come off?

Was Peter happy when he was crucified upside down?

Was Stephen happy when he was stoned for preaching the Gospel?

Were the Christians who were dipped in tar, impaled on a pole and lit on fire to light Nero's garden happy?

Was Jesus happy when he was tortured and then crucified on the cross?

Remember friends, the true Gospel can be preached to the poorest people on earth, the sickest people on earth, the drunkest people on earth, the most perverted people on earth and the most depressed people on earth.

The fact that Mrs. Osteen couldn't preach her happy-crappy message to the Christians running for their lives in Iraq (who are NOT happy) confirms she is preaching a false gospel.

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