
Monday, September 8, 2014

Hamas Rebuilding Tunnels and Missiles

The cease fire between Hamas in Gaza and Israel just happened a handful of days ago...and already Hamas has started rebuilding the damaged tunnels and constructing missiles.  As soon as they feel as if they are substantially re-armed, I'm guessing they will commence firing missiles into Israel again.

Remember, when Hamas' sole purpose for existence is the destruction of Israel and the killing of's not like they can all of a sudden transition their party to help build schools, infrastructure and jobs to help their people transition into the 21st century...NOPE....they are gonna stay focused on killing Jews....even if it means their city of Gaza gets destroyed 100 times in the process and thousands of their children and civilians get killed in the cross fire!  "Allah-Akbar!!"

And Europe and the USA have the nerve to tell Israel to make peace with these clowns!!

Hamas has renewed rocket manufacturing and tunnel building two weeks into the ceasefire, according to a report by Ynet News quoting a senior political source.

Why should anyone be surprised? Hamas makes no secret of the fact that its only raison d’etre is the destruction of the State of Israel and all Jews. At a time when the focus is supposed to be on rebuilding Gaza, Hamas takes what little materials there are for its own military needs.

There can be no greater demonstration of its cynical disregard of the requirements of the citizens who elected it to power with the assumption that their welfare would be paramount.

Indirect negotiations regarding future arrangements for a long-term peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians were set to begin in Cairo shortly. However, Hamas has decided to challenge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and test his response to their extensive reinforcement efforts.

It is not clear how Israel will respond to Hamas rearming, resupplying, and – most importantly – rebuilding the tunnels leading into Israeli territory. Although Israel is capable of acting militarily, the overall situation in the volatile Middle East has changed, even in the last month.

Terrorist activity has increased on Israel’s northern borders. The abduction of United Nations observers on its Syrian border, and rumblings emerging from Hezbollah in Lebanon mean Israel can not only focus on Hamas.

Yedioth Ahronoth’s political analyst, Shimon Shiffer, said Israeli Military Intelligence is shortly expected to present a comprehensive report to the political establishment regarding Hamas’ rehabilitation efforts.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Sunday that he did not believe it is possible to demilitarize Gaza. Like Benjamin Netanyahu, he compared Hamas to the Islamic State (ISIS), claiming that the Gaza group was no less dangerous.

To prove his point, Mahmoud al-Zahar, a senior Hamas official in the West Bank spoke on the subject.

“If the Palestinian resistance in the West Bank held a quarter of the tools at the disposal of the resistance in Gaza – Israel would be demolished in a day.

He added that, as far as Hamas is concerned, the security coordination in the West Bank between the Palestinian Authority and Israel was a crime. He intimated that if Hamas wrested control of the West Bank from Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority, Israel’s days would be numbered.

Al-Zahar also dismissed Israeli claims that the IDF destroyed all the group’s tunnels.

“Who is stopping us right now from building new tunnels?”

Certainly not the world, which has now shifted its attention to other trouble-spots.

All the signs point to yet another round in the Israel – Hamas conflict. It’s simply a question of when.


Now here is the scary part for all of us who dwell in the USA.....our President and his administration is now siding with the village idiots of Europe and will soon DEMAND that Israel withdraw back to the 1967 borders.  Yep!!

It seems the world wants to give the Angry-Muslim-horde a better run at destroying God's nation and God's people.  Those 1967 borders would be indefensible for Israel...which is exactly what the world wants.

But, of course, God has other plans.  Remember, He told us that in the Last Days he would call the Jews home and plant them back in their ancient land of Israel....and they will NEVER be totally wiped off that land EVER again.

Amos 9:15
"I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them."....says God.

Since God said it, you can bet that Satan and all his Muslim horde wants to do everything possible to make it a lie.

Thankfully, our God created Lucifer and one day (maybe soon) is going to put him (Satan) in the abyss for a little while....and then one day, at the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ, Satan will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for all eternity.  What a day that will be!!

Keep praying and working people!  The end is in sight and Satan is NOT happy about it!

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