
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Muslims in Your City

By now I believe we all know that the man who beheaded the two American journalists was a British citizen who had left his home country to go fight with ISIS in Iraq.  Of course all the liberal folks of The West are scratching their heads and saying, "How could this happen?  Haven't we been nice enough, accepting enough and tolerant enough of our Muslim neighbors?"

Duh!  Of course you have...and that is a big part of the problem.  Many (most) Muslims don't want to assimilate and become part of the culture of the adoptive country.  They want to take the host country over and attempt to usher in Shariah law and expand the Muslim caliphate...which includes world domination and submission to Islam.

Check out this video of a woman made a few years back when she returned to her home town of Luton to document a Muslim march.

Muslim cab drivers and Subway franchise managers kicking out disabled customers with guide dogs. Muslim refugees on welfare demanding Sharia Law-compliant food banks. Towns surrendering to the complaint of a single Muslim to remove an ad for bacon. Man ordered to remove an American flag because it was ‘offensive to Muslims.’

The demands of Muslims in America are spreading more quickly than we can document it. Yet despite the record influx of immigrants and “refugees” from Muslim nations, the population in America is (for now) well below that of Britain.

And it is from Britain that a stunning warning video comes showing us what can happen when a large number of Muslims infiltrate a Western city.

Stacey Dooley is a native of the city of Luton, whose home town is now known as the “Extremist Capital” of Britain, with a massive Muslim population. In just 20 years, the young Dooley has seen her city radically transformed from a quiet, typical English city to a hotbed of Muslim fanaticism.

Dooley wanted to demonstrate how Muslims have infiltrated her town, since the liberal media refuses to do so.


Remember folks, NOTHING can overcome the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  A bunch of Muslims worshiping Satan (Allah) is not going to stop Jesus from fulfilling EVERYTHING He said he would and it won't negate one single promise that He made to His bride, the Church.

So please don't have a spirit of fear as the world seems to be spinning out of control.  Instead we need to remember that we win in the end and that the world is falling into the EXACT place it needs to be for all things to be fulfilled.

Hat tip to Guy B.

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