
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

No Earthly Good

Some of my readers may have heard me speak at adult education a few Sundays ago.  If you did you would remember the handout that I gave had a statement at the top;  DON'T GET SO HEAVENLY MINDED THAT YOU BECOME NO EARTHLY GOOD.

When The Lord first began to open my eyes to prophecy I got incredibly excited about connecting all the dots.  It was about all I could talk about or think about....JESUS IS COMING and maybe a lot sooner than most people have any clue about.

So one day at the office I told a colleague of mine about some of the exciting things I was discovering in the Bible and since he had called himself a Christian for the past 60 years I thought he might share my excitement....but instead he uttered those words to me while he basically shook his finger at me..."Don't get so heavenly minded that you become no earthly good."

I wondered if he had pulled that verse out of the Bible?  He kind of stunned me.  I didn't know what to say!

Of course that saying is nowhere in the Bible.  I wish I had the quickness to respond, "Don't get so earthly minded that you become no heavenly good."...but I didn't.

Today there was a new article posted on Rapture Ready and check out how it starts off....

Has anyone ever said to you: “You are so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good?”

I have read this clever little line before, but hadn’t had it directed at me personally until just recently.  I thought it was ridiculous the first time I ever saw it in print, because it is impossible and doesn’t even make any sense. Because, if we are truly heavenly minded, that is, with our minds focused on heaven and its rewards, we will not be able to help ourselves from being earthly good.

That is not earthly good in the sense of our personal “goodness,” but in the sense that if we are focused on our Heavenly Home, we cannot help having a desire to have as many as possible go there with us.

I have said this before, but this world is not my home. I do not belong here. My heart, my mind and every fiber of my being longs to be Home.  It is only human nature for us to want to go home. So, even if we are in another place that is comfortable, enjoyable and even extravagant, we are still creatures who prefer home over every other place. 

Ever since a few years back, when I became interested (okay, obsessed would probably be the word people who know me would use) in Bible prophecy, I have become keenly aware of how close we are to the end of this world as we know it. Don’t misunderstand; I do love the amazing beauty in this world. I especially love the woods, hills, creeks, trees and beautiful bluffs of the Ozarks where I live. This earthly home has some spectacular, wondrous and amazing features. 

However, for those appointed to be watchmen on the wall, we cannot help ourselves. We can no more stop ourselves from watching the signs all around us and warning others than anyone else can stop themselves from drawing in air to breathe. So any attempts to get us to stop being heavenly minded are futile, pointless and impossible for me to understand.  Since we know that the Bible is almost one third prophecy, doesn’t it stand to reason that God wants us to study it and know it and tell others about it? And, isn’t the Master’s desire that we watch?

Read it all here;

If you are one of those people who thinks about Jesus coming and gets excited to wake up every morning and read the headlines to see what prophetic event may have transpired overnight...take heart!  There are others just like you!

Just remember, a light can't shine if its hidden under a basket.  If The Lord has made you excited about prophecy then chances are good you also are a tell everyone that can about all the amazing events that are happening at rapid that tell us the closeness of The Tribulation and the return of Jesus.  And then get excited because we KNOW that Jesus will come for His bride, (all who claim Jesus as savior) in the rapture...and the rapture has to come first!  That IS the blessed hope!

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

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