
Friday, September 26, 2014

Swingers Pride Parade

ABC News has a story on swingers...which are married folks who like to have sex with other partners.

Witness the "Swinger Pride" parade and also note some of the signs the parade walkers are carrying, like "Monogamy isn't Natural"

One couple interviewed claim that they are 100% emotionally monogamous...and sex with others has nothing to do with emotion.

Wow....that sure is a lie right out of hell.

See report here;

Also notice that the Swingers Pride Parade is being held in New of the perversion hot spots of America.

Remember how New Orleans was leveled by the biggest hurricane ever...named Katrina?

Remember how that hurricane ended up CANCELLING the gay pride festival of perversion in New Orleans that year?

Remember how EXACTLY 7 yrs to the day after Katrina another hurricane named Isaac came ashore in New Orleans and caused enough havoc to cancel the gay pride festival again?

No doubt God has sent some warnings to repent....but instead New Orleans seems to be doubling down on their pride of perversion and actually WANT to be known as THE BEST place for sex, drugs, drunkenness, demon worship, perversion, mediums, and fortune tellers.  Of course, these are all things that God abhors.

As God begins to withdraw His protective hand from a nation....don't be surprised if we see some of the most Godless places in the nation begin to collapse first.

Remember, Israel (Northern Kingdom) and Judah (Southern Kingdom) both became Godless places in OT times....but Israel was worse than Judah and got destroyed over 100 years earlier than Judah.

"Oh are so funny!  God loves everybody and certainly isn't out to punish certain cities, states or countries that He deems more sinful than others!!  That's just old fashioned thinking!!  You need to read Rob Bell's book, LOVE WINS...then you will realize that there is no hell, there is no punishment and everyone ends up going to a place of eternal bliss...because my god wants everyone to be happy...because he loves matter what we do!!"

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