
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Biggest Walrus Gathering EVER!

The animals of the world continue to make the headlines.  It's almost as if nature is GROANING.

Scientists have photographed the largest gathering of Pacific walruses ever recorded, on a beach in northern Alaska, blaming climate change for the estimated 35,000 females and calves huddled beside the Chukchi Sea (map).

Federal biologists with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) photographed the gathering, known as a haul-out, north of the village of Point Lay over the weekend.

It's hardly the first big walrus gathering to be documented, a fact noted by climate change skeptics. But scientists say the size of the gatherings are growing as climate change melts Arctic sea ice, depriving walruses of their sunning platforms of choice.

"The walruses are hauling out on land in a spectacle that has become all too common in six of the last eight years as a consequence of climate-induced warming," the U.S. Geological Survey wrote on their website Wednesday.

"Summer sea ice is retreating far north of the shallow continental shelf waters of the Chukchi Sea in U.S. and Russian waters, a condition that did not occur a decade ago," the USGS website says. "To keep up with their normal resting periods between feeding bouts to the seafloor, walruses have simply hauled out onto shore."

As the ocean heats up due to global warming, Arctic sea ice has been locked in a downward spiral. Since the late 1970s, the ice has retreated by 12 percent per decade, worsening after 2007, according to NASA.


Of course we are told that this gathering is the result of global warming.  The ice is melting in the northern regions and the walruses simply don't have any ice to rest they are hauling themselves onto the beach.

Maybe that's the case.  I don't know.  I tend to believe that our atmosphere is controlled by the Creator.  He knows when a sparrow drops from the sky.

What I do know is that we have another headline with the word EVER in it.

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