
Friday, October 17, 2014

ISIS and Al-Qaeda Could Cripple Civilized World

Now here is a headline for you right out of the Last Days news;

The Merger of ISIS and al-Qaeda Could Cripple the Civilized World 

As ISIS continues to advance on the Syrian town of Kobani and close in on Turkey’s border, experts in Islamic radical movements think the terror group may merge with its al-Qaeda mother organization soon. Together, the group would represent the greatest terror threat to the civilized world.

“I think Britain, Germany and France will witness significant attacks in their territories by the Islamic State. Al-Baghdadi [the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, otherwise known as ISIS] may reconcile with al-Zawhiri [the leader of the al-Qaeda central organization] to fight the crusader enemy. The attacks by the United States and her allies will unite the two groups,” said Hisham al-Hashimi, an Iraqi researcher who just finished writing a book about ISIS based on his unique access to the organization’s documents and years of research and advising Iraqi security forces. 

“I have been monitoring al-Qaeda’s leaders’ rhetoric towards Baghdadi. They are getting softer and softer….The Islamic State, regardless of how big or small it becomes, will come back to its mother: al-Qaeda,” he added.

The break between the Islamic State and al-Qaeda
ISIS and al-Qaeda have a long, tangled history with one another. ISIS was the al-Qaeda official branch in Iraq until last February. However, they finally split after disagreements over operations in Syria. 

The recent US intervention in the region along with the new US-led airstrike campaign against ISIS has actually forced the two groups to renew negotiations. For example, recent reports suggested that ISIS and al-Nusra Front are together planning the war against the US-led alliance.  The al-Qaeda affiliated Khorasan group in Syria that was also targeted in the recent air attacks declared a few days ago in an audio message that it had joined ISIS. Add to that the Taliban in Pakistan who are hopping on board the ISIS train and you have a potential jihadi World War III.


Please notice one of the main bullet points at the top of this article;  On their hit list—the state of Israel. 

Yep!  Right in the middle of it all EXACTLY as the Bible said it would be!

Also notice that a top ISIS expert believes that the U.S. led attacks on ISIS will end up uniting the ISIS and al-Qaeda.

Of course this brings us back to the question that so many have when talking about the Last Days....WHERE is America?  Where is the UK, France, Germany and other civilized nations?  Why doesn't prophecy give them any role and/or mention when it tells us what will happen in the future?

Is it possible that they end up being crippled by outside enemies?  How about inside enemies like the Muslims that these nations let in by the millions?  Could they end up making the citizens of their host countries so scared to leave their homes that they devastate the economy?

Of course this could be a possibility.

I continue to focus in our "blessed hope" that Jesus returns for His bride, snatches true believers from the grips of this Satanic world, America collapses under the strain of losing millions of Christians, America's collapse then spreads to Europe and the rest of the civilized world, and then all the prophecies of the Antichrist can unfold at rapid speed...until Christ returns to this world to rule and reign with us by his side.

Amen!  Even so...come Lord Jesus!

Hat tip to Guy B.

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