
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Joel Osteen Endorses Obama

I don't have a lot of time to blog right now, but wanted to get this headline out to you;

Will the real Joel Osteen please stand up?

Joel Osteen, Pastor of the biggest congregation in America, Lakewood Church, declared to the world who he really is by endorsing Obama, despite the fact that Obama's agenda goes against everything true Christians believe. Those of us who are intelligent and observant were not really surprised, as we have known for a long time that Osteen's “I'm okay, you're okay” milk toast sermons are far from Bible-based and do not reflect in any way the beliefs of his father, John Osteen, who started Lakewood Church and preached the uncompromising message of Christ for multiple decades before his death in 1999. Joel Osteen, however he may have started out, is currently nothing more than a progressive in Christian's clothing.

Obama a Christian? Come, come now

Anyone calling President B. Hussein Obama a Christian is a curious thing, as Obama himself no longer even tries to make this claim. In addition, President Obama has stated that we are not a Christian nation and that the Bible is “not adequate for modern life.” He has not yet offered any criticism of the Koran, however. Maybe he feels the violence it promotes IS appropriate for today's modern world.

Christians should not be surprised, as the Bible warns that there will be a falling away in the church during the end times, which is the era we are living in right now. The Scriptures state that supposed ministers of the true Gospel will abandon Biblical Christianity in favor of their own mystical, man-centered doctrines. Anyone who listens to Osteen preach can see that that is exactly what he has done.

Oprah Winfrey, a self-professed “new age high priestess,” felt perfectly comfortable sitting in the front row of Osteen's church with her friend, Tyler Perry. (We won't even go there.) Why would any true Christian pastor want to give praise to someone who uses her influence with people around the world to convince them that there are many ways to God, rather than the One Way spoken of in the Bible? Osteen made the following speech when Oprah visited his church: “we are so honored to have a world changer, history maker and one of the great voices of our generation present today. Oprah has brought a friend with her, Tyler Perry, and we are so honored to have you two here and it is great to see what God is doing in your lives.”

What God is doing in their lives? One must wonder to which god Osteen is referring, since it is impossible for Jesus to work in the lives of those who are not his followers. Of course, he also stated that there will be homosexuals in Heaven.

I have a hunch that neither Osteen nor Obama have breezed through the Bible lately.

See it here;

Now just yesterday, Rapture Ready had an article I was reading which asked the question if a TRUE FOLLOWER of Christ could ever support a Democrat?  Abortion?  Gay marriage?  Those things would not be something God would how can we vote for people who do?

Read that article here;

Happy reading!  Just remember, the world is NOT going to get any better.  Gay marriage will NOT be able to be rolled has already swamped us like a wave.  More perversion will certainly then...HOW THEN SHALL WE LIVE?


  1. I read the Examiner article and I see nothing about Osteen endorsing Obama. It was only in a teaser headline. Does anyone have any PROOF of this?

  2. Hi Susan,
    it would appear that Osteen was on Larry King and said, "Obama is a Christian, doing a good job." You can check it out here;

    Saying a statement like that a few days before the mid-terms to an audience of millions certainly appears to be an endorsement of Obama.

    I'm wondering why Osteen would say such a thing when ALL OF THE EVIDENCE goes against Obama being a follower of Christ? We don't see ANY fruit that Obama is bearing to confirm what Jesus said, "You will know them by the fruit they bear."

    Why would Osteen say Obama is doing a good job? He supports the murder of the unborn and has been a big supporter of gay marriage, both of which are not God-honoring activities.

    Also Obama continues to lie to us when he continually repeats that Islam is a "religion of peace" and that ISIS doesn't represent Islam? What??? Who is Obama to say that?? Is he an Islamic expert that he can point to ISIS, HAMAS, BOKO HARAM, HEZBOLLAH and 100 others and announce that all of them don't represent Islam? Bonkers!

    So you can read the article yourself and decide for yourself. In my opinion, Osteen is NOT preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ...but "another gospel"...and Apostle Paul warned us about folks like him that would be prevalent in these Last Days.

  3. I don't see any of your fruit Dennis. I know people who cite you as an example of why they aren't christian or are no longer christian. That's pretty weird huh?

  4. Yeah...weird. But I guess I can't see too much fruit coming from Anonymous either. : (

  5. Hey Anonymous,
    As I was reading from Jeremiah this morning I was reminded of something....I know people who cite Jesus as the reason they aren't Christians or are no longer Christian. That's pretty weird huh?
