
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Sweden Almost Cashless Society

The Bible tells us, in Revelation, that during the reign of the Antichrist, every person on earth who desires to buy or sell anything will have to take a mark of the beast.  Most people would understand that will require a CASHLESS SOCIETY.

Today, if you wanted to buy a bag of could use cash and it would be untraceable back to you.

If you wanted to buy a could use cash.

It you wanted to buy a gun from your could use cash.

The governments that want to KNOW everything don't like cash for the reasons above.  It can be used for illicit or illegal activities and the purchase is untraceable and nontaxable.

Since the Bible says this day is coming, we should be able to start seeing foreshadowing events.

This headline is from Business Insider;

Sweden Is Already Four-Fifths Of The Way To Becoming A Genuine Cashless Society

A new report shows that four out of five purchases in Sweden are paid for electronically or by card.

The Local reports Swedes are using electronic payments 260 times per person, per year. Electronic payments systems such as Swish are bypassing the need for people to use ATMs for cash, while at street level, even retailers of Sweden’s version of The Big Issue, Situation Stockholm, are accepting card payments.

It’s not a Europe-wide trend, either. In Italy, cash is still king, accounting for three-quarters of all purchases.

While going cash-free comes with an increase in security costs, it’s more than offset by the drop in cash-handling costs. In Sweden, cash-handling costs are estimated to be around $1.2 billion, or 0.3% of the country’s GDP.

And according to the Swedish Bankers’ Association, armed robbers are finding themselves out of a job. Just five bank robberies were reported in 2012, Sweden’s lowest rate in 30 years.

Despite the trend towards a completely cash-free society, a Sifo survey showed that letting go entirely could be a drawn out process.

Two out of three Swedes still believe that cash in the hand is a basic human right, associate professor of industrial dynamics Niklas Arvidsson told The Local, saying it could take up to the year 2030 for physical money to disappear from Sweden’s system altogether.


For those folks who refuse the Mark of the Beast during The Tribulation....they will lose their heads.

For those folks who take the Mark of the Beast...they will lose their chance at eternal life in heaven.

Pretty scary!  Glad we, who have accepted Christ as savior, won't be here to suffer through that miserable choice.

Remember, after the rapture, the world will be going bonkers trying to make sense of where so many people disappeared to.  They will be scared, the money system could collapse, violence and crime could break out...the people will be DESPERATE for someone to come along with answers and to make them FEEL SECURE AGAIN.

The Antichrist will answer that call.  People will be so happy with his answers that when he brings forward the plan to issue a cashless society and asks everyone to go to their local bank to get some type of mark implanted or stamped on their arm or forehead...folks will willingly stand in line to get the precious mark.

Did you know we are the first generation in the entire history of planet earth that has the technology available to fulfill this 2000 year old prophecy?

Pretty cool that God placed us all on earth for times such as these.

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