
Monday, October 13, 2014

Vatican Signals More Tolerance

Sorry for lack of posts but I've been out of town and out of cell service...and now on I pad so will be brief.

Another day...another gay article!  This time from the Vatican.

VATICAN CITY — In a marked shift in tone likely to be discussed in parishes around the world, an assembly of Catholic bishops convened by Pope Francis at theVatican released a preliminary document on Monday calling for the church to welcome and accept gay people, unmarried couples and those who have divorced, as well as the children of these less traditional families.

 The bishops’ report, released midway through a landmark two-week meeting, does not change Roman Catholic doctrine or teaching, and will now be subjected to fierce debate and revision at the assembly.

But it is the first signal that the institutional church may follow the direction Francis has set in the first 18 months of his papacy, away from condemnation of unconventional family situations and toward understanding, openness and mercy.


Yes!  We need to understand sin!...and then pretend that we don't need to call it sin!  And if there is no sin, then we don't need to repent!  And if we don't need to repent...we don't need a savior anymore!

That sounds like what the false prophet will be preaching during The Tribulation...

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