
Monday, November 3, 2014

"Spirit of Renewal" in New York City

There are just a very few epic moments in most people's national lives.  Where were you when JFK got shot? What were you doing when we first walked on the moon?  Do you remember when you heard Pearl Harbor was bombed?  Do you remember when the Twin Towers were collapsed by Muslim terrorists flying planes into them on 9/11?

Some of you may have read the best-selling book, The Harbinger.  It's by Rabbi Jonathon Cahn and tells a very interesting story about the passage in Isaiah 9:10.  I won't go into great detail here about it as you can read reviews everywhere, but basically the passage was spoken in pride and arrogance when it should have been viewed as a warning about coming judgment.

Cahn wonders in his book if America isn't repeating the same mistakes.

When the Towers fell and the silence of 9/11 came upon this land, our churches were packed full from NYC to California....for about 2 weeks!  That was about it. The "9/11 revival" was VERY short lived. We never turned back to God.  We never asked God if the attack was a warning.  Instead we went on with arrogance and pride.  We promised that we would rebuild...and the rebuilt building would be bigger, better and stronger!  NO ONE CAN HUMBLE AMERICA!!  SEE WHAT WE CAN BUILD!!  THERE IS NONE LIKE US!!!

World Trade Center reopens: Symbol of NYC spirit of renewal

NEW YORK — Thirteen years after the 9/11 terrorist attack, the resurrected World Trade Center is again opening for business — marking an emotional milestone for both New Yorkers and the nation.

Publishing giant Conde Nast will start moving Monday into One World Trade Center, a 104-story, $3.9 billion skyscraper that dominates the Manhattan skyline. It is America's tallest building.

It's the centerpiece of the 16-acre site where the decimated twin towers once stood and where more than 2,700 people died on Sept. 11, 2001, buried under smoking mounds of fiery debris.

"The New York City skyline is whole again, as One World Trade Center takes its place in Lower Manhattan," said Patrick Foye, executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey that owns both the building and the World Trade Center site.

He said One World Trade Center "sets new standards of design, construction, prestige and sustainability; the opening of this iconic building is a major milestone in the transformation of Lower Manhattan into a thriving 24/7 neighborhood."

The eight-year construction of the 1,776-foot high skyscraper came after years of political, financial and legal infighting that threatened to derail the project.

The bickering slowly died down as two other towers started going up on the southeast end of the site: the now completed 4 World Trade Center whose anchor tenant is the Port Authority, and 3 World Trade Center that's slowly rising.

The spirit of renewal did not quash memories of the horrific act of terror, but the area has prospered in recent years beyond anyone's imagination. About 60,000 more residents now live there — three times more than before 9/11 — keeping streets, restaurants and shops alive even after Wall Street and other offices close for the day.

Still, it's a bittersweet victory, one achieved with the past in mind as the architects created One World Trade Center.

T.J. Gottesdiener of the Skidmore, Owings & Merrill firm that produced the final design told The Associated Press that the high-rise was built with steel-reinforced concrete that makes it as terror attack-proof as possible.

He said the firm went beyond the city's existing building codes to achieve that.

"We did it, we finally did it," he said.


Yes!!  The building is 'as terror attack-proof as possible."  The 'spirit of renewal' that has come upon NYC has made the Twin Tower's area prosper beyond anyone's imagination!  Shops are open, 60,000 more people live there, restaurants and lots of hustle and bustle fill the entire area!

But who actually controls the "spirit of renewal'?  Does that spirit trump the Spirit of God?  Can America survive too much longer if we continue to shun God and scoff at His Word?

Psalm 33:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance.

It would appear that America is heading into a perfect storm.  The conditions are all here for a storm of epic proportions to fall upon this nation.
a) Stock market at record high
b) Obama has turned on Israel
c)  Our military is at war with Satan via Islam
d)  Our military has turned against God/Jesus
e)  We have $17 trillion in debt and much of it needs to be refinanced soon
f)  Our churches are empty and the buildings are for sale
g)  The one's who do have attendance have many false gospels being preached
h)  We have become a nation of greedy, self-absorbed people seeking happiness
i)  There is a famine in the land in that VERY FEW people know what the Bible says

I could go on and on...but you get the idea.

Maybe one day really soon, we will have another EPIC that makes you say, "Where were you when America collapsed?"

No doubt, God has been sending his preachers to warn us.  No doubt, all of their sermons can be listened to by anyone at anytime who has a smart phone, a computer or a radio.

We can pray for a revival to happen, and we should....but any revival that comes will probably only serve to delay the inevitable.  It feels to me, and to many, that America has already passed the POINT OF NO RETURN. We have drifted WAY TOO FAR AWAY from our Creator.  We have been worshiping too many false idols.

Let's continue to pray that Jesus gives us the courage to make it through the tough days that may soon be coming, as the world continues to turn against those of us who read and believe the Bible and are seeing the exciting signs all around us that Jesus is near.


Update;  At lunch today I opened up the Wall Street Journal and saw a full page ad on page A7.  The ad has a picture of the newly completed One World Trade Center.  Two large-type words are underneath the photo: "Indestructible PRIDE"

Can you stick a finger any further into God's eye??

Proverbs 16:18 
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

1 comment:

  1. I sent you a video on this but here is a news story. the plot of his book is actually a step further and God mocked their planting of the cedar tree. the tree died. it was removed...on the first blood moon.
