
Monday, November 17, 2014

The Dangers of the Temple Mount

Jewish tradition says Abraham took Isaac to this mount.  Solomon built the First Temple here.  The Second Temple was rebuilt here.  The Romans destroyed it about 35 years after Jesus ascended.  Islam claims Muhammad flew his magical horse here and built the Dome of the Rock to commemorate this lie and they also built a mosque on this Holy site.

Today the Temple Mount seems to be finding its way into our news headlines almost every single day.

It seems like something on this 35 acre parcel might soon POP!

This article recently appeared on Yahoo News.

On Friday, protests and clashes between Israelis and Palestinians continued throughout Israel and the West Bank. From northern Israel to northern Jerusalem to Hebron, there were reports of protesters and police throwing rocks and stun grenades, respectively.

Surprisingly or perhaps miraculously, one place where there wasn't violence on Friday was the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The central point of focus in the recent unrest in Israel and the West Bank, the Temple Mount, the same location as the al-Aqsa Mosque, is Judaism's holiest site and Islam's third-holiest site.

Late last month, Yehuda Glick, a rabbi advocating for Jews to be allowed to pray on the Temple Mount (which is forbidden by the Israeli Supreme Court) was shot several times in an assassination attempt by a Palestinian man. After the assailant was killed in a later confrontation with Israeli forces, violent clashes ensued and, in light of the violence, Israeli security forces decided to fully close the Temple Mount for the first time in over a decade.

The Old City of Jerusalem is that fortunate one-third of a square mile in the world where holy sites of the three major monotheistic religions are intimately contained. In its four quarters are the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Via Dolorosa, the Western Wall, and the Temple Mount, upon which sit the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine and one of the Middle East's most recognizable buildings.

For Jews, as Ruth Margalit explains, the Temple Mount "is where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac, and where God gathered the dust that created Adam. It’s there, the Bible says, that King Solomon built the First Temple, circa 1000 B.C., where Herod refurbished the Second Temple, and where Titus tore it down, in 70 A.D. Its inner sanctuary is known as the Holy of Holies—a place where no one but the High Priest was allowed to tread. The Western Wall, the extant remnant of the wall that flanked the courtyard of the Second Temple, is the holiest site in Judaism."

Owing to the delicate nature of everything associated with the site, the name Temple Mount doesn't even cover all of the theological bases. Last week, the Palestinian Liberation Organization demanded that media stop using the term "Temple Mount" to describe the venue, which it says doesn't "adhere to international law." The Temple Mount, the widely used term for the site in English, is known as the Haram al-Sharif or Noble Sanctuary by Muslims. (Cautious diplomats employ all of the aforementioned names.)


The prophet Daniel tells us that a Third Temple will be built here one day.  This will be the Temple where the Antichrist will sit 3 1/2 years after he signs a peace agreement with the Jews and will declare himself to be God.

God claimed this patch of land as His own.  Because of this fact, Satan wants it bad...and the world is currently trembling as they wonder what should be done about this holy site.

The Muslims want the media outlets of the world to quit calling in "The Temple Mount" because they argue that the name gives it a Jewish bias.  The media outlets and "cautious diplomats" are already appeasing the Muslims on this issue.

The world seems to believe that if we appease the Muslims then maybe they will shut up and become good global citizens.  How wrong they are!  Our efforts of appeasement only embolden the followers of Allah to demand more...and the serious Muslims won't rest until they conquer the entire world and make everyone submit to Allah.

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