
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Baptize Aliens If Given the Chance

We have blogged before about the head astronomer for the Catholic church.  Some years ago he came out saying that the church would baptize aliens when they show up on planet earth.

That's crazy talk!!  First off, Jesus was a human and died for the sins of Adam....the first human.  If the Pope is going to welcome some Klingons from the planet Krypton as 'friends of creation" and then ask to baptize them into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ....why would he think that Klingons would share in the same sin-nature as the descendants of Adam?  Why would he assume that Klingons are born into sin like humans are...or that Jesus bled and died on a cross for Klingons who claim to come for light years away?

Don't fret your pretty little heads about all this though...because there aren't any "aliens" running around the atmosphere of earth....nope!  They are really just demons in disguise....setting up a huge deception for the humans of planet earth and acting at the behest of their leader, Satan....aka "The father of all lies."

With Christmas just around the corner, Brother Guy Consolmagno gets a lot of questions this time of year about the Star of Bethlehem that led the Magi to Jesus in the manger.

Consolmagno is an astronomer—a planetary scientist for the Vatican observatory, in fact—who specializes in asteroids and meteorites, the very sort that may well have been the famous "star" described in the gospel of Matthew.

"It's fun speculation," Consolmagno said, smiling though a graying beard while sitting on a bench in Central Park on an unseasonably warm afternoon. "It's fascinating to realize that there actually are a couple of quite plausible things it could be.

"But what's even more interesting to me is that this story was included, of all the stories that Matthew might have included," he said, growing animated as he does when diving into his twin vocations of science and theology. "Whether it's something he heard from Mary, or whether it's something he made up, why was it included?"

If those are the sort of musings you enjoy, and a level of ambiguity you can handle, then you will like the new book that Consolmagno has written with his fellow Jesuit, the Rev. Paul Mueller, who heads the Jesuit community at Castel Gandolfo, a hilltop town near Rome where the Vatican's main telescope is located. (The other is on a mountaintop near Tucson, Arizona.)

Their book is titled Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial? another question that Consolmagno is asked a lot in his many speeches and media appearances, and one that Pope Francis—a fellow Jesuit and a trained chemist—has posed as part of his focus on Catholic inclusivity.

Consolmagno's short answer is yes. But "only if she asks!"

While the longer answer is spelled out in the book, the two Jesuits are really aiming their lens at a bigger goal: to show how people of faith can also believe in science.

"God is reason. If you reject reason, you are rejecting God," Consolmagno said.

Unlike many apologists, Consolmagno isn't fixated on the so-called "New Atheists" like Richard Dawkins who wield science like a cudgel to bash religion and believers.

"I don't mind someone disagreeing with my views on religion," he said. "But I'd like to have a sense of mutual respect. If you think that what a lot of people believe is nonsense, then maybe you don't understand what it is they believe."

But such debates are mostly a sideline for Consolmagno.

"The thing that really bothers me," he said, "is the creeping fundamentalism among Catholics who don't know their own faith and who are desperately trying to do the right thing and to be faithful believers, thinking that they have to sacrifice their reason to follow God. And that is exactly the opposite of what God wants."


Ok....I put that last paragraph in bold because I want you to see it.  You may have to read it a few times to figure out what he is saying, but let me paraphrase if I may;  He says that he is really bothered by some Catholics who are starting to believe the Bible too much (Fundamentalists).  He is concerned that if they believe the Bible and its stories about creation, fallen angels, Noah's flood, and the story of Adam and Eve that they may start to believe them so much that when scientists in turn tell them that most of the Bible is just fables, that they might not believe the scientists!!  And this is the kicker....he says this is the exact opposite of what God wants!

Ummm....Mr. Astronomer?....question please?....yes, how can you be so fundamentally sure that you know what God wants?  Did he talk to you personally?  No...he didn't?  So the fact that you are fundamentally sure that you KNOW what God wants...doesn't that make you a fundamentalist....which is the exact thing you said that bothers you in the first place?

So confusing!!....but hey!...he stands ready with his water bottle to sprinkle any "aliens" who may show up and tell him a fantastic story about light years, star ships, brothers of Jesus, one world religions, one world currency, Israel is a nasty nation that needs to go for planetary name it, he's ready to believe it!!

It's getting harder to ignore the evidence that point to the Catholic church being a part of the final ONE-WORLD RELIGION that the Bible says is coming.

Of course it's almost becoming a weekly occurrence for the Pope to come out with some statement that the atheists and pagans are pleased to he's got that popularity going for him...which should play well with the world.


  1. love the combination of Star Trek (Klingons) and Super Man (Krypton).

    Great Post!

  2. I'm so glad someone caught that!

