
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Did NY Cop-Killer Work for Muslim Terror Group

I still can't find anything on the MSM about NYPD killer being a Muslim, but found some more info supposedly direct from his FB page.

The Muslim NYPD cop killer Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley worked for a Muslim Brotherhood front group, according to his Facebook page. has confirmed and exclusively discovered that Brinsley went by another name — Ismaaiyl Abdullah-Muhammad — and that he worked for the Islamic Society of North America.
The Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim Brotherhood front group that was described as an unindicted co-conspirator by the Justice Department in the 2007 Holy Land terror cases.
Brinsley a.k.a. Muhammad’s Facebook page includes liking pages like “I love Islam” and “I Have To Be More Philosophical, About My Life.”
This new revelation, taken with this Koranic passage from Brinsley’s other Facebook page, destroy the narrative that Brinsley a.k.a. Muhammad was troubled and a depressed young man. In fact, he wanted to kill cops and he did just that.
“His [attempted] killing of his ex-girlfriend is entirely consistent with an honor killing,” says John Cardillo, a former NYPD police officer who investigated terror cells in New York.

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