
Monday, December 8, 2014

Israel Strikes Damascus

OK...anytime you see Israel and Damascus in the same headline, it's time to pay attention.

Syria says Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — Israeli warplanes bombed two areas near Damascus on Sunday, striking near the city's international airport as well as outside a town close to the Lebanese border, the Syrian military said.

Since Syria's conflict began in March 2011, Israel has carried out several airstrikes in Syria that have targeted sophisticated weapons systems, including Russian-made anti-aircraft missiles and Iranian-made missiles, believed to be destined for Israel's arch foe - the Lebanese Hezbollah militant group.

Israel has never confirmed the strikes, and on Sunday the Israeli military said it does not comment on "foreign reports."

The Syrian armed forces' general command said Sunday's "flagrant attack" caused material damage, but did not provide any details on what was hit near the airport or in the town of Dimas, which is northwest of Damascus along the main highway from the capital to the Lebanese frontier.

"This aggression demonstrates Israel's direct involvement in supporting terrorism in Syria along with well-known regional and Western countries to raise the morale of terrorist groups, mainly the Nusra Front," the military said in a statement carried by SANA.

There is no evidence that Israel has provided any support to the Nusra Front, which is al-Qaida's affiliate in Syria.


Isaiah 17
A prophecy against Damascus:

“See, Damascus will no longer be a city
    but will become a heap of ruins.
2 The cities of Aroer will be deserted
    and left to flocks, which will lie down,
    with no one to make them afraid.
9 In that day their strong cities, which they left because of the Israelites, will be like places abandoned to thickets and undergrowth. And all will be desolation.
14 In the evening, sudden terror!
    Before the morning, they are gone!
This is the portion of those who loot us,
    the lot of those who plunder us.

And to add even more intrigue to this development, Russia is now involved and prodding the world to demand that Israel give an explanation for its "aggression" against Syria.

Can you even imagine?!  Russia who has invaded and taken parts of Ukraine are demanding to know why Israel is being so aggressive??

Here is that article about Russia;

Up is down, down is up, good is evil and evil is good.  Another day, another crazy bunch of headlines.

Certainly the Lord is close.


  1. "Certainly the Lord is close" you say. Has God revealed this to you directly? How would you define 'close'?

    Deuteronomy 18:20-22
    20 But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.’ 21 And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?’— 22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.

  2. The Lord is always close to his followers. If you are watching the signs Christ told us to watch for He promises that we won't be surprised by His sudden return to call His followers to meet Him in the air. With all the birth pangs happening all at once...I wouldn't be surprised if the trumpet blew. Would you?

  3. Just as in the time of the apostle Paul, Jesus could return at any time. According to the New Testament, we've been living in the last days for ~2000 years. Too busy spreading the gospel to waste looking for all the signs. He'll come when the Father says it's time.

  4. I can't disagree with anything you said...except you using the word 'waste". Glad to hear you are spreading the Gospel. For many of us studying prophecy, those completed and those yet to be completed, is hardly considered a 'waste'. In fact as much as 30% of the Bible is prophetic and Jesus told us to "Watch" (Mark 13) and gave us many things to watch for. He knew that watching would build our eagerness for his return and ignite a zeal in us to warn others that the age of grace will one day (certainly sooner than the world knows) come to an end...exactly at the right time...when the fullness of the gentiles has come in. The Jewish leaders clearly didn't "waste" enough time looking for the first advent...because Jesus reprimanded them for not watching and missing out on all the clear signs they had been given. Nothing in the Bible is a 'waste''s all valuable for teaching the ways of righteousness.
