
Monday, December 22, 2014

"Putting Wings on Pigs"

Two NYC cops were sitting in their squad car on Saturday when a black man walked up to the car and shot them both dead.  The shooter had clearly been inspired by all the protests surrounding Ferguson, MO and also the black man that died in NYC when he refused to submit to arrest and was eventually choked into submission.

The murderer, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, had posted on his Intagram account that he was going to "put wings on pigs".  If you look at his Instagram post there were 174 people who clicked on "Like This Post".

What kind of society do we live in where 174 people like the threat of murdering cops?

The murderer who assassinated two NYPD officers threatened to shoot a pair of Con ed workers, who tried to tackle him - raising his gun and shouting: 'You want some of this?'

The unnamed men had been working in Bedford-Stuyvesant - close to where Ismaaiyl Brinsley gunned down officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos at around 3pm on Saturday.

The shocked workers witnessed the depraved killer ambush and open fire into the passenger's side of the police car and decided to follow him in their Con Ed truck as he fled the scene.

Despite Brinsley still holding his silver Taurus semi-automatic - the brave men confronted him on the street and attempted to stop him, the New York Post reports.

Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, is said to have asked passers-by to follow him on Instagram saying to some 'watch what I'm going to do' before killing the two men.

The 28-year-old had earlier posted to the social network boasting that he would take the lives of two policemen.

It has since emerged Brinsley had already been arrested 19 times for offenses including concealing a weapon, disorderly conduct, and trespassing.


Arrested 19 times....

Another black thug TAKING far more from society than he has ever given.

As we have said, the media is having a hay day reporting on the anger in black America and uses the protests around Ferguson to highlight their anger....but what about the anger that is building in white America as we ponder the disproportionate amount of crimes the black community is committing?

One final note...I have never seen the name Ismaaiyl before...but it certainly looks like a name that could have Islamic roots.  That would really be something if they found out that the murderer of cops had some type of Muslim background.

Jesus said that nation will rise against nation in the very last days.  Some prophecy watchers believe this is a reference to race rising against race....and certainly there is evidence abounding around the world of Latinos angry at blacks, blacks angry at whites, Arabs angry and Persians, everyone angry at Jews, Arabs angry at doubt the list is long and growing longer.

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