
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sunnis Dividing in Iraq

For all of us folks here in America who know little to nothing about the Islamic world, we thought we were pretty smart if we understood that Sunni Muslims have a deep dislike of Shi'ite Muslims.  Well it's about to get a lot more complicated than that.

Iraq is coming apart.  ISIS is pillaging the country and they are made up of Sunni Muslims.  But what if you are a Sunni Muslim who doesn't like ISIS and what they are doing?  Can you side with the Iraqi government and fight with them against ISIS?  What is your Sunni tribe going to think?

Wow.  Talk about a mess.  Satan really has those Muslims all wrapped up in a big, Satanic nightmare that is going to turn into an even bigger bloody mess than it already is.

BAGHDAD—Islamic State’s rise is dividing Iraq’s Sunni minority, pitting tribes loyal to the militant group against those who support the government and, in some cases, cleaving tribes apart from within.

Sheikh Dhaher Bedewi, a tribal leader in Anbar province, said that while in the mid-2000s his fighters handed captured Sunni insurgents over to U.S. forces, mercy is no longer an option.

“This is a tribal issue for us right now. There’s no way to let them live,” he said during a recent trip to the capital Baghdad. “I’m not going to leave any of them alive. It’s them, their family members and all their property. We’re going to destroy them all.”

This conflict within the conflict is drawing new battle lines that could leave permanent scars. Islamic State is more competent and better armed than its predecessor, al Qaeda in Iraq, and it has demonstrated a greater readiness to carry out mass killings, a formula that has deepened the anger of its Sunni foes.

“It’s impossible now to unite the Sunni tribes,” said Sheikh Awad Saed, another tribal leader from Sunni-majority Anbar province. He threatened to deal harshly with turncoats within his own group suspected of helping Islamic State.

“Such things are impossible for the tribes to forgive and forget,” he said.

The strife within the Sunni community is stoking bloody tribal vendettas in Anbar—Iraq’s largest province—that threaten to leave it nearly ungovernable if and when the militant threat passes.

“Politics in Anbar could easily, for many years to come, be divided between who was on the side of the government and who was on the side of Islamic State,” said Nathaniel Rabkin, an expert on Sunni tribes and managing editor of Inside Iraqi Politics, a biweekly newsletter. “That will make it a hard place to do politics.”

Sheikh Bedewi’s tribe and other Anbar tribes have already begun a process of gradual punishment through killings, confiscations and disenfranchisement. Sheikh Bedewi is suing those who collaborate with Islamic State in special tribal courts, which either prescribe the death penalty or force perpetrators to pay Islamic compensation, or “diya.”

Sheikh Bedewi’s friend from a neighboring tribe, Sheikh Jabbar Al Fahdawi, said his men have already used explosives to demolish vacant family homes of 10 suspected collaborators.

Some tribal leaders said they felt sympathy for the collaborators: Many who joined Islamic State are unemployed young men who were attracted by salaries of $500 to $1,000 a month, plus gifts of cars, free medical care and even homes.

“I feel a lot of sympathy for them,” he said.

“But yes, I would still kill them.”


"Yes I have lots of sympathy for them...but I would still kill them."  Spoken like a true follower of Allah and his bogus prophet Muhammad!

Friends, as the saying can put a fork in Iraq, cuz she is done.

The only thing that is going to bring peace to that region is going to be when the Antichrist gets here. He will probably be able to quiet them down for a while...but not for long.

True peace won't come to Iraq until Jesus Christ returns and sets up his 1000 year reign.

But please remember, in spite of all the mess that has become the Muslim world, all the killings, rapes, gassing, beheading, all while screaming, "Allah Akbar!"...please listen to President Obama and believe him when he says, "Islam is a wonderful religion of peace!"  (insert huge dose of sarcasm here)

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