
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

11 Predictions of Economic Collapse

Remember friends...we don't write the headlines, we just report them.

11 Predictions Of Economic Disaster In 2015 From Top Experts All Over The Globe
 (I will pluck out a few of the 11)

Will 2015 be a year of financial crashes, economic chaos and the start of the next great worldwide depression? Over the past couple of years, we have all watched as global financial bubbles have gotten larger and larger. Despite predictions that they could burst at any time, they have just continued to expand. But just like we witnessed in 2001 and 2008, all financial bubbles come to an end at some point, and when they do implode the pain can be extreme. 

Personally, I am entirely convinced that the financial markets are more primed for a financial collapse now than they have been at any other time since the last crisis happened nearly seven years ago. And I am certainly not alone. At this point, the warning cries have become a deafening roar as a whole host of prominent voices have stepped forward to sound the alarm. The following are 11 predictions of economic disaster in 2015 from top experts all over the globe…

#1 Bill Fleckenstein: “They are trying to make the stock market go up and drag the economy along with it. It’s not going to work. There’s going to be a big accident. When people realize that it’s all a charade, the dollar will tank, the stock market will tank, and hopefully bond markets will tank. Gold will rally in that period of time because it’s done what it’s done because people have assumed complete infallibility on the part of the central bankers.”

#2 John Ficenec: “In the US, Professor Robert Shiller’s cyclically adjusted price earnings ratio – or Shiller CAPE – for the S&P 500 is currently at 27.2, some 64pc above the historic average of 16.6. On only three occasions since 1882 has it been higher – in 1929, 2000 and 2007.”

#5 Paul Craig Roberts: “At any time the Western house of cards could collapse. It (the financial system) is a house of cards. There are no economic fundamentals that support stock prices — the Dow Jones. There are no economic fundamentals that support the strong dollar…”

#6 David Tice: “I have the same kind of feel in ’98 and ’99; also ’05 and ’06. This is going to end badly. I have every confidence in the world.”

#10 John Ing: “The 2008 collapse was just a dress rehearsal compared to what the world is going to face this time around. This time we have governments which are even more highly leveraged than the private sector was.

So this time the collapse will be on a scale that is many magnitudes greater than what the world witnessed in 2008.”

#11 Gerald Celente: “What does the word confidence mean? Break it down. In this case confidence = con men and con game. That’s all it is. So people will lose confidence in the con men because they have already shown their cards. It’s a Ponzi scheme. So the con game is running out and they don’t have any more cards to play.

But just like in 2000 and 2007, there are a whole host of doubters that are fully convinced that the party can continue indefinitely. Even though our economic fundamentals continue to get worse, our debt levels continue to grow and every objective measurement shows that Wall Street is more reckless and more vulnerable to collapse than ever before, they mock the idea that a financial collapse is imminent.

So let’s see what happens in 2015.

I have a feeling that it is going to be an extremely “interesting” year.


Hey!!  He stole my tag word...interesting!  As some of you know, I try not to say whether an event is good or bad but prefer to say it's interesting. : )

So what do you think?  Is it all going to collapse?  Are we living in the calm before the storm?  Is Obama cursing Israel and our curses are soon coming home to roost?  Hasn't the last few years of massive money printing and our rising stock market and strengthening dollar PROVED that we CAN print money and create wealth by plucking it out of thin air?  Maybe the emperor really does have clothes on?  Maybe paper with $10, $20 and $100 printed on it really is worth something and will continue for thousands of years?  Maybe USA can borrow thousands of billions of dollars every year to live a lifestyle that we can't afford?  Maybe we CAN spend all our consumer money on houses, cars, bass boats and vacations and let the government care for us in our later years by providing pensions, free medical care, subsidized retirement housing and free nursing home care?  Maybe unicorns really do exist? Maybe pigs are just about to fly?

In reality, this is all going to pass away.  The Bible says so.  We have no idea of when, but with all the signs flying around I wouldn't be surprised if it happened soon.

So if you have put your trust in paper money or the governments who issue might be a good day to put your trust in The Lord Jesus Christ.  Only He can give us what we need to survive for eternity.

"I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man comes to the Father except through me."--Jesus

"But Dennis, people have been saying this since Apostle Peter said it 2000 years ago!  All things are staying the same!  Our lives will continue on pretty much as they always have!"

2 Peter 3
3 Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” 5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. 6 By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.

One day the scoffers will be done scoffing.  The age of grace WILL come to an end.  The Great Tribulation WILL happen.  All believers in Christ WILL get their glorified bodies, the dead first and then those of us who are still alive.  Jesus WILL come again to planet earth to rule and reign and we WILL come back with him.

Amen!  Come Lord Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. I too have seen this coming on the horizon. It is interesting that you who work with finance agree. It will be as the last fleecing where the media will keep the band playing as long as they can while the ship starts sinking. I think this one too will literally happen overnight. Could it be tied to your earlier articles on intolerant folks? Could be. Whatever it is, the US shakes it's fist at God and taunts him to bring justice on them while they keep sinning with no remorse.
