
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Germany Anti-Islam Rally Hits Record Numbers

Some Germans are appearing to be quite sick of all the Muslims they let into their country.  A few weeks ago a rally was held in Dresden to protest Muslims...and the numbers of people showing up continues to rise.

But now people who OPPOSE the rally are also now starting to rally.

At least 18,000 people in the eastern German city of Dresden have taken part in rallies opposing Islamic influence in Western nations, prompting massive counter-protests in several cities.

The record number of people that took to streets in support of the right-wing populist movement known as the "Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisisation of the Occident" (PEGIDA) on Monday came despite a call by Chancellor Angela Merkel's call to snub such demonstrations deemed racist by many.

Organisers of the opposing demonstrations in Berlin, Stuttgart, Cologne and Dresden said they were rallying against discrimination and xenophobia to instead promote a message of tolerance.

Businesses, churches, Cologne city's power company and others were planning to keep their buildings and other facilities dark in solidarity with the demonstrations against the ongoing protests by PEGIDA.

PEGIDA has broadened its appeal by distancing itself from the far right, saying in its position paper posted on Facebook that it is against "preachers of hate, regardless of what religion" and "radicalism, regardless of whether religiously or politically motivated".

"PEGIDA is for resistance against an anti-woman political ideology that emphasises violence, but not against integrated Muslims living here," the group said.

It has also banned neo-Nazi symbols and slogans at its rallies, though critics have noted the praise and support it has received from known neo-Nazi groups.


The article goes on to quote someone who says, "Intolerance cannot be fought by intolerance."

Great....there go those words again...tolerance and intolerance....what do they even mean anymore?

Fundamental Muslims are intolerant of anyone who doesn't think as they do...and yet they demand that The West be tolerant of them...and are upset when anyone in The West acts intolerant of them.

What a pickle!!

For today we will file this one under "Nation against nation" and point out that some of the Islamic nations seem to be rising in many diverse areas of planet earth, against other nations of people who aren't members of their stripe of Islam.

When Jesus gets here...He will set it all straight!

What a day that will be!!

Even so...come Lord Jesus!

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