
Friday, January 30, 2015

Three Things About Islam

There is a video gaining some traction on YouTube that tells a lot of truth about about what Islam is up to and what it's plans are for planet earth.

Islam is not a religion of peace.  The Muslim can say it is but what he really means when he says it is that the world will be at peace once shariah law has been established globally and everyone has submitted to Islam....then the world will be at it is a religion of peace.

Muslims are allowed to lie to anyone if the lie will help to protect Islam and advance its causes.  This is why there are so many videos out there of Muslim leaders telling Western media one thing but upon returning home they tell their people the exact opposite.

In the Koran if there are two verses that contradict each other then there is a very simple answer of exactly what to do....the later verse over rules the earlier verse.  So in the Koran the verses about peace were written first but the verses about violence were written after the violent verses are the ones to be followed.

It has been said that the Muslim extremist will cut your head off and hold it up for the cameras...while the moderate Muslim won't cut your head off but he will hold your feet down while the extremist does.

I will post the link to this video that explains these three things above but please note ONE GLARING ERROR when the narrator speaks about the Christian Bible.  He says, "While every religious book has errors and contradictions....", the Bible, written in its original languages, doesn't have any errors or contradictions.  It was God-breathed to 40 authors over some hundreds of years who were inspired to write 66 books and none of those authors contradict any of the others.

Here is the video;

Hat tip to Wilson R.

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