
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why Won't Papers Re-Publish Muhammad Cartoons?

Today the world is being forced to take a stand.  Do you stand with freedom of speech or do you stand in fear that you may be killed if you offend some Muslims?

Some papers are choosing to publish some of the "offensive" cartoons that Charlie Hebdo Paper created...that got them killed.  While others are choosing not to.  Why wouldn't they stand with free speech?  Quite simply because they are scared that their offices and employees might be the next target of angry Muslims with rifles screaming, "Allah akbar!"

Check out what CNN shamelessly admits as to the reason they won't publish the cartoons.

In the wake of Wednesday's killings at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, most major media outlets are choosing not to republish the French magazine's satirical but highly controversial cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed.

But The Washington Post did choose to show one of the images in Thursday's print edition. "I think seeing the cover will help readers understand what this is all about," editorial page editor Fred Hiatt told The Post's Erik Wemple.

Several popular news web sites have also published slide shows of Charlie Hebdo cartoons.
Elsewhere, the news instinct to show the cartoons and express support for the slain journalists is countered by concerns about safety and sensitivity. Depictions of Mohammed are a strict taboo within Islam.

It's brought forth a fierce debate among journalists.

What some are calling sensitivity, others are calling censorship -- an acquiescence to terrorists. There has been widespread speculation that Wednesday's attack was motivated by the publication's criticism of religion.

CNN, the owner of this web site, is among the news outlets that has verbally described Charlie Hebdo's cartoons but refrained from showing them. The network has made similar decisions about depictions of Mohammed in the past.

In the network's daily editorial meeting on Thursday morning, CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker addressed the decision.

"Journalistically, every bone says we want to use and should use" the cartoons, Zucker said. But "as managers, protecting and taking care of the safety of our employees around the world is more important right now."

On Wednesday, the Associated Press, the world's largest news gathering operation, said it has a "longstanding policy" to "not move deliberately provocative images on the wire," according to a spokesman. This includes depictions of Mohammed.

The New York Times, "after careful consideration," also decided that "describing the cartoons" would suffice, according to a spokeswoman.

NBC News said Wednesday that the network will not be showing "headlines or cartoons that could be viewed as insensitive or offensive," and that guidance also applies to CNBC and MSNBC.

Another major network, ABC News, has taken the same position.

A CBS News executive, meanwhile, said the network had implemented no explicit ban on the Mohammed cartoons, but had instructed its producers to exercise judgment.

Fox News told Mediaite it has "no plans to air" the Mohammed cartoons, but it did publish them in an online slideshow.


Let's take a second to re-interpret the bold paragraph above from CNN;  "We really want to publish the cartoons so the people who live in free societies can see what so offended these murdering Muslims....but we are afraid that other murderous Muslims might take out their anger on me, our offices, or our CNN employees who are all over the world.  Quite frankly we are terrified of what angry Muslims are capable we bow to terrorists and ask that you be appeased by us the fact that we did our best not to offend you."

Crap!  Why don't the execs at the major media outlets just finish their day by saying, "Allah akbar!" (Allah is greater) that any Muslims listening will feel satisfied that they have bowed to Islam?

I listened to The Michael Medved Show on my drive home yesterday.  He had a Muslim caller on the line from Seattle, WA.  The caller said he was totally confused about why all the people in the USA and The West couldn't understand provoking someone over and over might lead to this type of violence!!

Medved kept trying to explain that living in a free society means that you WILL be living with other people who WILL offend you...but the American Muslim simply couldn't grasp what he was saying, even though he tried explaining it three different ways.

So here is what the polls about Islam are actually telling us.  Most Muslims want nothing to do with grabbing a gun or a knife and killing other people who offend them...BUT...most Muslims UNDERSTAND and even SUPPORT their fellow Muslims who DO want to avenge Muhammad and Islam.....just like the caller from Washington state.

Friends, Islam is NOT simply a false religion.  It is a TOTAL SYSTEM cooked up by Satan himself to confront the Judeo-Christian values implemented in free societies,  Satan hates Jews and certainly he hates their societies as well.  He would prefer that ALL PEOPLE BOW to him using the sword of Islam.

For any reading this that have any publications, blogs, twitter pages or any other social media, PLEASE find one of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons and re-publish it.  We can't let this Satanic system of Islam control what we will and will not do.

1 comment:

  1. calling it like it is Dennis. It is sad to see how Newsweek can openly have the Bible questioned (by an idiot who openly admits he has never read the Bible), have satires about Jesus (Black Jesus) which makes him into a black man doing micicles to cover illegal activity, be mocked in public, have our holy book used for TP, be called names and mocked in a public square, and on and on. Then if anyone does anything against a Muslim or their beliefs and that is intolerant. It is truly a down is up society. Only God can change the hearts of those that are part of principalities and rulers of darkness.
