
Thursday, February 19, 2015

International UFO Congress

We just got back from an Arizona vacation.  It's a real blessing to be able to go someplace warm and get a little reprieve from the MN cold.  Of course we arrived home last night just in time to experience the coldest night of the winter, but are happy to be home all the same.

We stayed at a resort outside of Fountain Hills, AZ.  After we were there for a few days I noticed that there was a big conference starting to set up at the resort.  Much to my amazement, it was the International UFO Congress!

The conference officially started on the day we were leaving but I got a taste of strange and demonic booths, lectures, pictures and movies that were all going to be a part of this conference.

The topics included crop circles, Vatican-alien ties, abductions, aliens implanting chips into humans, channeling to communicate with aliens, deep meditation to discover "ancient truths", cattle mutilations, the various races of aliens who visit earth and many, many more.

Here is a link to the Congress if you want to see the speakers and their topics.

Friends, it is getting harder and harder to ignore the fact that planet earth is being prepared for a massive demonic deception.  And you can take it to the bank that a big part of that deception is going to have something to do with "aliens".  Of course, Bible readers should understand that these are nothing more than demons in disguise.  The very same demons who have been harassing humans since time began.

Jesus warned that the world would be "as it was in the days of Noah" as His return approached.  If we go back to Genesis 6 and read about the days of Noah we will discover that fallen angels had come to earth to have sex with human women and produce a strange, demonic, powerful hybrid called the Nephilim.

At the UFO Congress listed above, they have a seminar about women who have been "taken" by what the Bible would call "fallen angels" and either had their eggs harvested or been forced to have sexual intercourse with "aliens" and in some cases been shown the offspring of this co-mingling of "strange flesh'.

"Dennis, that is the strangest story I have ever heard.  Did you ingest some strange desert flower this week while you were in Arizona?"


Just remember, if you believe in angels, which are intelligent, physically strong beings which are NOT HUMAN....then by default, you have just admitted that you also believe in "aliens".

Genesis 6
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God (fallen angels) went to the daughters of humans and had children by them.

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