
Friday, February 13, 2015

Our Rights Are Given to Us By God

I hope you have all been praying for Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore.  He is in the middle of a hurricane!  The forces of gay-dom have descended on him like flies on a cow-pie.

In a contentious 25-minute interview with Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore on Thursday, CNN “New Day” co-host Chris Cuomo discussed Moore’s refusal to adhere to a federal judge’s ruling on same-sex marriages.

Cuomo and Moore disagreed on whether or not the federal court decision was binding to the point that it required the state of Alabama to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. But they also continued the argument to the point of where certain rights originate, to which Cuomo argued they came from man and law, and not from God.

Exchange as follow:

MOORE: I believe that’s a matter of law because our rights contained in the Bill of Rights do not come from the Constitution, they come from God. It’s clearly stated –

CUOMO: Our laws do not come from God, your honor, and you know that. They come from man.

MOORE: Let me ask you one question. Let me ask you one question, Chris. Is the Declaration of Independence law?

CUOMO: You would call it organic law as a basis for future laws off of it?

MOORE: I would call it the organic law because the United States code calls it organic law. It is organic law because the law of this country calls it the organic law of the country means where our rights come from. And if they come from there, men can’t take it away.

CUOMO: Our rights do not come from God. That’s your faith. That’s my faith, but not our country. Our laws come from the collective agreement and compromise.

MOORE: It’s not a matter of faith, sir. It’s a matter of organic law, which states, ‘We hold these truths to be held equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ And the only role of government is stated in the next sentence is to secure those rights for us. The government starts taking those rights away from us, then it’s not securing and it is defiling the whole purpose of government.

Please watch the interview here;

The forces of Gay-dom simply can't figure out that discrimination against certain members of the human race because of color, nose size, height, clearly NOT THE SAME AS discriminating because of a behavior.

A man who has the desire to bugger another man has all the same rights as any other man....THEY ARE EACH ALLOWED TO MARRY ONE WOMAN.

The problem is that the forces of gay-dom want to have SPECIAL RIGHTS.  These rights have NEVER been allowed in the history of mankind.

The framers of our Constitution CLEARLY believed that our Creator gave us these rights....and it's up to the government to help free men keep them.

The uber-liberals, like Cuomo, vehemently disagree.

Can you see how civil wars start?

Can you see how persecution has arrived for those who fear God?

Can you see how this story ties into the previous blog post asking if a Bible believe will ever be able to be elected as President again?

Can you see how God's judgment would be just if it fell on the USA any day now?

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