
Monday, March 9, 2015

Americans Turning Away From Religion in Record Numbers

The Bible warns of a "great apostasy" that must happen before the end comes.  That means we can expect lots and lots of people who maybe have called themselves simply reject the Church and it's message of salvation offered ONLY through Jesus.

This headline today makes a person wonder....

Americans are turning away from organized religion in record numbers

With fire-breathing religion figuring anew in global conflicts, and political discussions at home often dominated by the nuttery of the Christian right, you might get the sense that somebody’s god is ready to mug you around every street corner. But if you’re the type who doesn’t like to hang your hat on organized religion, here’s a bit of good news: in America, your numbers are growing.

There are more religiously unaffiliated people in the U.S. today than ever before. Starting in the 1980s, a variety of polls using different methodologies have come to the same conclusion: people who do not identify with religious labels are on the rise, perhaps even doubling in that time frame.

Some call them “nones”: agnostics, atheists, deists, secular humanists, general humanists, and people who just don’t care to identify with any religious group. It’s not exactly correct to call them nonbelievers, because some still have faith and spirituality in some sense or another. A 2012 Pew study noted that 30 percent of these people believe in “God or universal spirit” and around 20 percent even pray every day. But according to the latest research, Americans checking the “none of the above” box will make up an increasingly important force in the country. Other groups, like born-again evangelicals, have grown more percentage-wise, but the nones have them beat in absolute numbers.

So what do we know about these people? Nones tend to be more politically liberal — three-quarters favor same-sex marriage and legal abortion. They also have higher levels of education and income than other groups. While about one out of five Americans is unaffiliated, the number is much higher among young people: Pew research shows that a third of Americans under 30 have no religious affiliation. Harvard professor Robert Putnam, who studies religion, thinks the trend among younger people is part of their general lack of interest in community institutions and institutions in general.


Notice how the article starts by mentioning "fire breathing religion".  They can't even say the word MUSLIMS or ISLAM...because in their ignorant minds it might just as well be Christians who cling to religion committing those indecent acts.

In fact, notice how they say, "nuttery of the Christian right."  That includes myself and most of my readers!

Folks who believe the Bible, go to church, and maybe even witness to their neighbors, disapprove of gay marriage and abortion are basically being swamped by those who disagree with us on just about everything.

I love the quote I heard some pastor say recently, "Those people who refuse to believe in ONE THING will ultimately believe ANYTHING"

Sadly, Americans have quickly become a nation very willing to invent their own, personal god which has NO RELATION to the God of the Bible/Jesus Christ.

"Well, my god would never punish anyone."
"My god loves everyone no matter what they do!"
"My god is tolerant of all religions because he/she knows people's hearts."
"My god would never be so closed minded to say I couldn't marry three women that I love."
"My god created sex organs to be used often and abundantly!"

Is the apostasy at hand?  Are we witnessing it with our very own eyes?

"All these things MUST happen...." said Jesus, "but fear not".


  1. It seems we were raised up a Great and mighty Nation to fulfill Gods plan, to return Israel to the Land and preserve them until the end, so that Christ Himself will save this Nation, Israel. The greatest flaw in American Christianity has been a lack of the recognition of the Doctrines of Gods Grace. We all walk around telling ourselves we have pulled ourselves up?! How can a dead man rise up? This is our idol, our pride, our downfall. I hope in the end, we can be saved, just as Jude says: like a brand plucked from the fire.

  2. Hi Anonymous, I couldn't agree with you more! Pride comes before the fall! You may have read The Harbinger but I find it interesting how Isaiah 9:10 which is a passage about judgment was turned into a passage about pride in the USA following 9/11, "We will rebuild!" Obama even signed the last steel beam on the Freedom Tower, "We will rebuild!" God is no respecter of persons or nations. When we are done with our purpose of incubating Israel to usher in the Last Days...this "great nation" could collapse and be done in any number of ways.

  3. Recently I have been reading Jeremiah and I've seen many passages on National Judgements by God!, and how a righteous few we're saved. This gives me great hope since I know that my righteousness is given to me I dont have to produce it myself. Peace Brother
