
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Andreas Lubitz, Deliberately Crashed Airbus Jet

So....this is terrifying.

The story coming out on the German plane crashing in France is intense.

One pilot excused himself and the 2nd pilot immediately locked him out of the cockpit and put the plane into a slow nose dive that crashed them all into a mountain.

On the recording you can hear the other pilot pounding on the door begging to be let back in while the passengers can be heard screaming as they realized their death was coming.

PARIS — The chief Marseille prosecutor handling the investigation of the crash of a Germanwings jetliner said on Thursday that evidence from the cockpit voice recorder indicated that the co-pilot had deliberately locked the captain out of the cockpit and steered the plane into its fatal descent.

“At this moment, in light of investigation, the interpretation we can give at this time is that the co-pilot through voluntary abstention refused to open the door of the cockpit to the commander, and activated the button that commands the loss of altitude,” the prosecutor, Brice Robin, said.

He said it appeared that the intention of the co-pilot, identified as Andreas Lubitz, had been “to destroy the aircraft.” He said that the voice recorder showed that the co-pilot had been breathing until before the moment of impact, suggesting that he was conscious and deliberate in bringing the plane down and killing 144 passengers and five other crew members in the French Alps on Tuesday.

The revelation that one of the pilots of the jetliner was locked out of the cockpit before it crashed, which was first reported in The New York Times, raised new and troubling questions on Thursday. Search teams continued to scour the rugged terrain of the French Alps for clues, and several other issues remained unclear on Thursday, including the identity of the captain and why he had left the cockpit.

The inquiry shows that the crash was intentional, Mr. Robin said, and he was considering changing his investigation from involuntary manslaughter to voluntary manslaughter.

He said there was no indication that it was a terrorist attack, and added that Mr. Lubitz was not known to law enforcement officials. After the news conference, the German interior minister, Thomas de Maizière, told reporters in Berlin that security officials had checked their records after Tuesday’s crash and found no indication that anyone on board had links to terrorism.


So sad for the families that have lost loved ones.  So senseless.

But WHY would a 28 year old pilot name Andreas want to kill himself and take 150 to the grave with him?

Did he just have a girl break up with him?
Did he just have a boy break up with him?
Was he a confused atheist?
Was he a Christian who lost his faith?
Was he a Muslim who found his faith?

It seems strange that if he was a Muslim killing people for his god, Allah, one would expect him to say "Allah Akbar!" as he saw the mountain approach and knew his death and meeting with Allah was imminent.  Instead they say he remained silent and his breathing never changed as he put the plane on it's death path.

Also, if he was a Muslim looking to cause chaos for planet earth and glory for his god Allah, why wouldn't he have tried to steer the plane into a city or town and see if he couldn't take out a few hundred or few thousand more?  Why just be satisfied with the 150 that he did kill?

Right now the reporters are digging through his life in his home town in Germany.  Don't be surprised if they find his lap top has RADICAL ISLAMIST SERMONS on it.

I will tell you one thing with 100% certainty...he DID NOT do this heinous act over his devotion to Jesus Christ.

I'm guessing Allah now has Andreas Lubitz exactly where he wants him today....suffering in a pit in hell being tormented by Allah's demons.  Just one other lost soul on the wide path that leads to destruction.

Please remember to add the families who lost loved ones to your prayer list and ask that Jesus could use this Satanic tragedy to lead people to Christ.

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