
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Iran Will Not Be Duped

What are you gonna do??  Iran continually calls America the GREAT SATAN and yet Team Obama continues to believe we can strike a deal with them about keeping nuclear weapons out of their hands?

Tehran (AFP) - Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday warned against "deceitful" world powers and branded a letter from Republican lawmakers as a sign of America's internal collapse just days before new nuclear talks.

Khamenei's broadside came as US Secretary of State John Kerry left Washington on a trip which will see him once again huddle with his Iranian counterpart in Switzerland aiming to seal a deal to curtail Tehran's nuclear program.

With the nuclear negotiations between Iran and world powers in the so-called P5+1 group now seen to be in the critical endgame, political tensions are soaring in the US among Republicans opposed to a rapprochement with America's old foe.

"I think we're all aware that the next couple of weeks are going to be important. They're vital. We're at the crunch time here," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters.

The White House has reacted angrily to the letter signed by 47 Republican senators insisting that any deal reached by the administration of President Barack Obama could be modified by Congress.

Kerry said that was "flat wrong" before he left, heading first to Egypt and then to Lausanne where he will meet from Sunday with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

Khamenei however warned Iran's highest clerical body that the letter was a sign "the other party is deceitful and stabs in the back."


Do we really believe we can negotiate with a nation whose leaders order TV shows made showing the annihilation of America and her "Zionist" ally, Israel?

Does anyone want war?  No.

It would seem logical that with all of Iran's lies to nuclear inspectors over the past years that they can't be trusted.

I'm reminded of Britain's Prime Minister happily stepping off the plane after negotiating a deal to avoid war with Adolf Hitler.  The ink wasn't even dry and Hitler bulldozed his army straight into WWII.

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