
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Atheists are Bullies!

Do you want to know a spirited and insightful way to make atheist/liberals angry?  When they accuse YOU of being intolerant of gays, transgenders, polygamists, bestiality, etc.... you say to them, "So what you are saying is that YOU are intolerant of my views or ANY views that differ from doesn't that make you the very definition of intolerant?  You, my friend are INTOLERANT!"

Almost always they will come back at you and say, "Yes, but I don't have to be tolerant of Christian-Right Wing-bigoted-a..holes!"  And then you can just smile and walk away because once they deviate from logic and resort to name calling and can be pretty sure they don't have the Holy Spirit so won't be capable of discerning logical arguments based on truth and you will never WIN the argument.

BUT you may have fun sharpening your apologetic sword and that might be good!

Here's another interesting point;  why is it the liberal/atheists seem to have stolen the narrative on BULLYING and someone have applied it to "religious" people while claiming they are tolerant of everyone and are inclusive of everyone from all walks of life?

Now please watch this bully who loves to belittle and bully anyone who is a person of faith.

His name is Dan Savage

See video here;

Dang it!! Why ARE liberals/atheists so mean and and so intolerant?

Jesus told us why...the world hates us BECAUSE they hated him first.  The world LOVES the darkness.  The world LOVES it's sin!  The world hates The Truth and they hate The Light....because the Light shines into the darkness and illuminates their sin.  So rather than acknowledge their sin and yield to their conscience, the liberal/atheists prefer to lash out with swear words, bullying and intimidation.

Please, please, please remember one very important thing if you happen to be one who enjoys debating liberal/atheists;....many of these folks are currently riding on the wide road heading for hell.  We need to witness to them with love and compassion.  We need to pray for them BEFORE we give them Truth and logic.  We need to have broken hearts for them and NOT simply be out to annoy, argue and attempt to score points against them that may end up being meaningless in eternity.

Speaking Truth in LOVE is what our Master told us to do....though I must admit that when someone calls you a "bigoted, ignorant, a...hole" it's VERY hard to feel love and compassion for them.

Also please see this link below and get involved in calling Disney....because they are planning a sitcom based around this hateful man you just watched in the video above.

See American Family Link here;

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