
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Christians Will Soon Be a Hated Minority in America

Jesus clearly warned that the world will hate His followers....just like they hated Him.

Of course this is clearly evident all over the world as Christians are being butchered by ISIS and chased out of many Muslim dominated nations...but..."That could never happen here Dennis....this is America!"

Well...not so fast....

James Dobson hosted a panel of Christian leaders on his “Family Talk” radio show Wednesday and warned that Christians are about to face a new status in America as a “hated minority” if the U.S. Supreme Court decides, as many expect, to mandate same-sex “marriage.”

“The heart of what’s happening is an attempt to impose a new morality on all of America,” said Maggie Gallagher, a traditional-marriage advocate for 25 years.

The author of “The Case for Marriage,” Gallagher is co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage and a senior fellow with the American Principles Project.

Homosexual advocates have no interest in a “live and let live tolerance,” she said. “After redefining marriage, the next thing on their agenda is to redefine Christianity.”

Under the new regimen, there will be no difference between man and woman, husband and wife, she said.

The attitude is that if you “see something different, there’s something morally wrong with you.”

Christianity, she said, “will enter a new phase, as a hated minority group.”

She and several others joined Dobson to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court case in which justices, including Elena Kagan and Ruth Ginsburg, who already publicly have endorsed same-sex marriage, will hear arguments April 28.


We have said it before...just wait until a lesbian couple shows up at your local church and asks to use your sanctuary for their wedding.  If you say, "No thank you." then 80% of the country may soon be against you...ESPECIALLY if the Supreme Court makes legalized gay marriage the law of the land in 2 months.

The liberals will all scream, "Does your church refuse to marry black people too?  You are all intolerant haters!!  It's abhorrent that the Federal Government gives you tax breaks to keep this HOUSE OF HATE up and running!!"

If they happen to get enough protesters out front of your church, some might start chanting, "House of hate!  Tear it down!  House of hate!  Tear it down!"

When your pastor comes out front to answer questions from the local TV station, the liberal-atheist reporter they sent to cover the story may ask him, "So why should the Federal Government continue to subsidize a building and congregation that refuses to adhere to the laws of this land?  150 years ago many churches, colleges and businesses refused to marry or serve are you any different today?"

The crowd will all yell louder and someone may throw an egg at your pastor.

Meanwhile, in California someone has found a Circuit Judge that will rule that all churches who refuse to marry blacks, browns, gays, lesbians and transgender in his state will lose the 501c3 tax free status.  Some churches will try to fight it but since they are short on cash all the time anyway...they will quickly run out of money.

The IRS will demand taxes on all contributions received from the church back to the day they refused the lesbian couple and the church won't have $500,000 to pony up.  Next they will not be able to make their $25,000 per month mortgage payment they have on their shiny new wing and offerings will go down because the offerings given by its members are no longer tax deductible.

And 5 years from now, (if the Lord tarries) we may be standing around looking at the boarded up churches and saying, "What just happened?  I thought this was America?"

Does it sound bleak?


But maybe it will be the best thing that could happen to the Bride of Christ here in America?  Maybe we will be forced to meet in homes and basements, read and discuss God's word, sing songs of praise and everyone who has anything will be willing to sell it and give to those in need?

Isn't that EXACTLY how the Church started in the first place?

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