
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Gay Orgies and Murder...Oh My!

Jesus told us clearly that, "You will know them by the fruit they bear." what kind of fruit is the tree of the Catholic Vatican bearing?  Child molestation, gay orgies, murders, lies and deceit!

Oh my!

The Vatican has been embroiled in two separate, highly embarrassing, scandals.

In one, a north Italian priest has been removed from office after allegations emerged that he had been surfing the internet to find gay lovers and had been involved in gay orgies.

The other, which has generated – if possible – even more lurid press coverage in Italy, alleges a priest in the south of the country is under investigation on suspicion of murdering one of his parishioners.

Father Gratien Alabi, from the Democratic Republic of Congo, is under investigation for murder following the discovery of female bones under the flagstones of an ancient mountain chapel.

The bones are anticipated to belong to Guerrina Piscaglia, 50, who disappeared from nearby Arezzo in Tuscany last year, The Times reported.

The case has generated intense media interest, with some papers claiming that Father Alabi had engaged in an affair with the woman, a parishioner of his and another priest’s church, and fathered a child with her.

Father Alabi has denied all claims, protesting his innocence.

Meanwhile, to the north of the country, the local Curia is scrambling to address the allegations made by a 32-year-old man from Rovigo, midway between Bologna and Venice.

In these online interactions, the priest admitted to sexual relationships with other religious figures – as well as members of the Vatican’s elite Swiss Guard – using the internet to find new partners and engage in sexual encounters online. 

Following the involvement of Archbishop of Taranto Filippo Santoro, the individual involved was immediately removed from office, once the “reliability of the facts” had been established.

He added that the allegations included behaviour that was “absolutely incompatible with the priestly ministry”.


I'm quite sure that when Jesus shows up he is going to call the Vatican a "den of vipers!"

Also, as we have said, it's interesting to us that Jesus says that come judgment day many will say, "But Lord, Lord!  Didn't we prophecy in your name and cast out demons?"  At which time Jesus will tell those folks to depart from him because Jesus doesn't know them.  And they will be sent to a place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Hmmm....of all the denominations on earth today...which one is known for having exorcists and attempting to cast out demons?

Yep!....that would be the Catholics!  And they are currently being led and served by thousands of pedophiles and perverts!

Lord have mercy!!


  1. Very true dennis but something else to consider...this church of Rome is also considered the great harlot in rev.17 vs 1 and vs 5 considered the mother of harlots. No other
    peoples or entity fits all of the descriptions mentioned in rev.17 like the catholic church does now. From the 7 hills( vatican city is also known as city of 7 hills) to sitting on many waters (peoples and nations) and drunk with the blood of the saints. If you know the history of the church of rome...its all there. So back to the woman the great harlot who birthed a bunch of other of rome claim most other denominations come from them. And this is true.
    Do your homework on history of the word of God and the catholic church from 1st century believers to atleast the1800's and you may be surprised where your church and my church originally come from. I.e. as you know martin Luther was a catholic priest. Happy reading.

  2. Just so you know.I'm having trouble editing my comments in this small window and after I preview im unable to go back to edit.
    So to connect my comment to yours about "...out of all the denominations today the catholic church ...." fitting a role. ...according to scripture the catholic church isnt the only denomination to fit that description. Besides exorcisms are practiced by many different peoples from many different religions.
