
Monday, April 6, 2015

Kenya Cities Will Run Red With Blood

You have probably all seen this by now but Muslim gunmen stormed into a college in Kenya and started asking people if they were Christian or Muslim.  If the student said Christian they were immediately killed.

Somali militants vowed on Saturday to wage a long war against Kenya and run its cities "red with blood" after the group's fighters killed nearly 150 people during an assault on a Kenyan university.

In the worst bloodshed in Kenya in nearly two decades, four al Shabaab gunmen went on a killing spree on Thursday, hunting down and executing students in a campus in Garissa, a northeastern town 200 km (120 miles) from the Somali border.

Foreign media published a photograph they said was taken by Kenyan police that showed more than 70 bodies, lying face down in a university hallway, each apparently shot in the head.

More than 400 people have been killed by al Shabaab on Kenyan soil since Kenyatta took power in April 2013, including 67 people who died in September of that year during a siege on an upmarket shopping mall in the capital Nairobi.

Chilling testimonies from survivors, many of whom saw their friends shot at point-blank range, suggest the fighters were speaking Kenya's Swahili language, rarely spoken in Somalia, making it likely the raid was carried out by home-grown gunmen.

Diplomats and analysts have often criticized the heavy-handed approach of Kenyan police, saying tactics such as indiscriminate mass arrests of Kenya's Somali population plays into al Shabaab's hands and fuels resentment among Muslims.

Kenya said Mohamed Mohamud, a former teacher at a Garissa madrasa, was the attack mastermind, and offered a 20 million shillings ($215,000) reward for his arrest.


Uh-oh....when a guy named Mohamed Mohamud is a former teacher at this place....that could be a problem.

I wonder how many places Muslims have to go on killing people before the world realizes that Islam is NOT a religion of peace?

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