
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Mark of the Beast Visible in Most Popular Video Game

One of THEE most popular video games in the world is a war game called CALL OF DUTY. If you know a teen-age boy or man below age of 40 in America you can have almost 99% certainty that he knows what the game is and that he has played it.  The graphics are incredible and they can plug in head phones and play on-line against other players from all over the world.

A new version of the game is coming out this Sunday, April 26. As you watch the trailer announcing this new game, please pay close attention 33 seconds into the clip as you will see a bar code tattooed on a person's arm which very possibly could be an announcement by the powers that be of WHAT IS COMING.

Also please note that the mark comes at 33 seconds.  The Freemasons are famous for all of their 33's which are "hidden" all over this country in plain view of any who know what to watch for. The top rung you can ascend to in the Free Masons is 33 Degree Mason.

Also listen to one actor say, "These scientists can't continue playing God!"

Clearly what the game is about is sometime in the future the military is going to create hybrid human soldiers...and they will bring about some type of Armageddon.


Satan loves to foreshadow what he has planned....and hundreds of millions of men all over the world are consuming this game by the billions of playing hours.

There can be NO DOUBT that the world is being prepped by the Prince of the Earth for some very dark days.

Thank you Jesus for promising us that we will not be surprised if we continue fixing our eyes on you.

Hat tip to Taylor K.

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