
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Obama Mocks Bachmann

Former Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann was a guest on Jan Markell's Olive Tree Ministries radio show a few weeks ago.  If you haven't listened to it, open you iPhone and download the free-app, OnePlace.  Once you get that loaded you can listed to 40-50 different daily sermons and can also listen to Markell's weekly show.

Anyway, Bachmann clearly said that she believes we are in the very last days and that Christ could return at any moment.  She said that Obama turning on Israel could be one of the final straws.

Of course she is correct....but the liberal/atheists caught on to what she was saying and started mocking her for her understanding of what the Bible says.  Even Obama joined in on the mocking.

Even President Barack Obama said at the press annual dinner last Saturday night, "Just this week, Michele Bachmann predicted I would bring about the biblical end of days. Now that's a legacy. That's big. I mean, Lincoln, Washington, they didn't do that."

Here's of run-down on some of the scoffing. Keep in mind that we can rejoice in this as it fulfills scripture:  "Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts,  and saying, 'Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.'"

RIGHT WING WATCH: End-Times Are Here-Thanks Obama

                          Bachmann told Markell that just as some Muslim leaders are pulling for the Apocalypse, Christian pastors must also preach about "God's time clock."

"If the United States turns its back on Israel, as our president is doing today, in my opinion, we cannot continue to indulge in the fantasy that the United States will be free from receiving the negative blowback, or curses, in biblical parlance, that could come our way and they could be severe," Bachmann said.

"If we actually turn our back on Israel, as we are seeing Barack Obama do today, if that happens then I think we will see a scale and a level of pushback in the United States, negative consequences."

MSN.COM: Obama's Poor Relationship with Israel Will Bring the Return of Jesus 

                         Bachmann explained that if Obama and the United States turn their back on Israel, this would bring  severe "curses" upon the United States, similar to those seen in the end-of-days.

But, Bachmann is not afraid of the end-of-days; rather she says that "these are the most exciting days in history because nothing is more important than the return of Jesus Christ."

THE DAILY KOS - Rejoice! The Rapture is Coming

                             Former Rep. Michele Bachmann is very excited that the world may be coming to an end. Iran may be getting the bomb, and gay people are getting married these days, and all of this is wonderful news because it means Israel is going to be destroyed and there will be wars and plagues and famines and that means Jesus is going to come back to fly all the bestest Bachmann-approving-of Christians into heaven while her enemies get left to rot in whatever post-nuclear wasteland comes next. You think we are making this up. We are not making this up.

See it here;

Markell goes on to list the Bible verse that talks about scoffers:

"Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying 'Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.'" 2 Peter 3:3-4 

Speaking of scoffers;

I talk to people almost weekly who have a "really tough time" believing the passage in 2 Thessalonians about all believers being transformed into glorified bodies and zooming up into the clouds to meet Jesus in the air!!  Even many "Bible believers" might secretly admit they have a tough time believing "that one".

I find that interesting because it makes me wonder how one would have a tough time believing in the rapture but have no problem believing in Noah's Ark, Jesus rising from the dead, angels appearing throughout the Old and New Testament, Sodom and Gomorrah supernaturally destroyed, and the Holy Spirit living within us.

The Bible is a book of supernatural occurrences!  Jesus' return to earth after not being seen by men for over 2000 years will be amazing!...and certainly our God who made the universe and fashioned our bodies out of the dust of the earth will have NO PROBLEM calling us all up into the clouds and giving us new, immortal bodies so the bride of Christ can be joined to the bridegroom for ever and ever.

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