
Friday, April 24, 2015

That's a Whole Lot of Magma!!

We honestly have no control over this earth.  We don't control the rain, we don't control the quakes and we certainly don't control the volcanic eruptions and meteors hurling through space.

There are a handful of natural disasters that, if they happened, could totally devastate this nation or the entire world...and science seems to be publicizing more or them every day.

Researchers have discovered a previously unknown chamber of magma underneath Yellowstone’s supervolcano. That chamber contains 11,200 cubic miles of magma, which, in addition to the already-known 2,500 cubic miles in an upper chamber, means the combined amount could fill the Grand Canyon nearly 14 times.

The University of Utah has produced the first 3D image of the underground expanse, giving greater insight to how the hotspot works, Smithsonion reports. It has been erupting for 17 million years, most recently some 640,000 years ago. Most of the magma is hot, solid rock, not molten rock, and the risk of a new eruption has not increased with this discovery. Scientists say we would likely have fair warning before another eruption in the form of earthquakes, higher ground temperatures, or other indicators of volcanic activity.


Did you catch that??  Enough magma to fill the Grand Canyon 14 times!!  Wow!...if that poured all over the USA our country would be gone and those who didn't die in the first days would die in the coming months as the ashes bury the farm land and the ash cloud blocks the sun's warming rays.

So WHO keeps this from happening?  Who made it all in the first place?  Who knows the beginning from the end?  Who has the whole world in His hands?

It all seems so obvious to those of us who trust in The Lord.

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