
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Why America Needs Same-Sex Parents

The Supreme Court is going to make a decision pretty soon on gay marriage.  The word on the street is that they are going to make it the law of the land and take it out of the hands of each state to decide.

Today we ran across this article in TIME Magazine

Why the American Family Needs Same-Sex Parents

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in an omnibus case about whether same-sex couples are allowed to marry in all 50 states in this country. The probability of the court ruling in favor of legalization likely played a role in the Indiana and Arkansas controversies over the passage of their Religious Freedom Restoration Acts at the beginning of April.

Proponents and opponents of marriage for same-sex couples agree that heated debates about religious liberty are one effect of the marriage debate. But they strongly disagree about what America and its families will look like if same-sex couples can marry throughout the nation. Opponents have made dire predictions of marital instability, falling birthrates, and increases in children being born outside of marriage – in short, the destruction of American families.

But an examination of the data – particularly as it relates to the children in this country most in need of loving and stable families – does not support those predictions.

In a recent friend-of the court brief that I submitted to the Supreme Court, I explore what demographic and social science research tells us about the impact of the upcoming ruling. Today, nearly 1.4 million men and women are part of the estimated 700,000 same-sex couples living in this country. About 350,000 of them are married couples and 122,000 are raising more than 200,000 children under the age of 18.

The recent events in Indiana and Arkansas prove that a Supreme Court decision bringing marriage for same-sex couples to all parts of the nation won’t end political conflict associated with LGBT rights. But it will improve America’s families. The nation will have more married couples, more kids with married parents, and more stable homes and families for the country’s most vulnerable children. It’s hard to understand how that could ever be a bad thing.


In the beginning God ordained one man and one woman to be fruitful and multiply and wanted them to stay together til death parts them.  Sin came into the world and men started marrying more than one woman.  Polygamy caused all sorts of strife and ended up having husbands send their wives, concubines, servants away with the children he had borne them.

It's a mess when families break's all part of the fallen world and a perversion of God's plan for us.  It's hard on the husband and wife and even harder on the kids.  Sadly, broken families have become the norm in this society and it is only going to get worse.  Broken families means broken kids which mean future broken families.  It's a vicious cycle.

The author seems to suggest that encouraging gay marriage is going to be helpful for special needs kids because gay couples seem more willing to adopt those kids.  That might be.

But it would be even better if those special kids didn't need adopting in the first place but instead were with their mother and father in a loving home.

The fact that they aren't is a problem....and saying we need another problem of gay marriage to help fix the original problem of special needs kids needing loving homes...may end up compounding the problem.

How does that old saying go...."Two wrongs don't make a right."

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