
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Why I Had an Abortion

This actress is speaking out about why she got an abortion in college some years ago.  As you will read, she speaks about it all the time so that other women feel empowered...and don't feel shame or embarrassment about ending another person's life.

Jemima Kirke is a proud mother. But years ago, she ended a pregnancy. Now, the Girls star is telling her story to help empower other women to share their own. 

"I've always felt that reproductive issues should be something that women especially should be able to talk about freely, especially amongst each other," she said in a video for the Center for Reproductive Rights' Draw the Line Campaign. "I still see shame and embarrassment around terminating pregnancies, getting pregnant, so I have always been open about my stories, always shared them, especially with other women." 

In the video, Kirke, now 29, explains why she chose to have an abortion in 2007 while a college student in Rhode Island. 

"I wasn't sure that I wanted to be attached to this person for the rest of my life. My life was just not conducive to raising a happy, healthy child," she says. "I just didn't feel it was fair. So I decided to get an abortion."

Here; happy for her that she didn't want to be attached to this person that was growing in her she killed it.

She didn't think it was fair that she had sex with her boyfriend and when a human baby was the result....she killed it.

I remember reading about how people used to have special needs children and would send them away to a home someplace so they wouldn't have to be saddled with them or embarrassed by them.  The Germans did the same thing with their special needs kids and when the Nazis took power they just took it one step further and started killing anyone who they didn't want to be attached to...or didn't fit into the productive part of society....meaning they killed all the special needs people.

I just wonder how much longer God is going to show America mercy for the 50,000,000+ little babies we have murdered?

"What you do to the least of these you do to me."

Hat tip to Todd K.

1 comment:


    So typical these days that it hardly gets mentioned...Todd K
