
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Church Allows More Prayers to Allah and Mohammad

People!  People!  Can it be any more clear?  Anyone who denies that Jesus Christ is Lord and God does not know the Father...and certainly is not worshiping the God of the Bible, the ONLY true God.

But of course being that we are in the VERY last days lots of folks want to open up the tent and let every belief in so that everyone ears can be tickled....we end up with Christian denominations trying to be tolerant of Islam and even saying that they are praying to the same God as Jesus.

What???????   This can ONLY be done by rejecting the Bible and the very words of Christ.

Westminster Abbey has been accused of "denial of the Lordship of Jesus Christ" after the prophet Muhammad was described as "the chosen one" in a prayer at a First World War service.

The Abbey, which is a Royal Peculiar under the personal jurisdiction of the Queen and outside the Church of England's diocesan structures, included a Turkish prayer in the recent service of commemoration and thanksgiving marking the centenary of the Gallipoli campaign.

The Archbishop Cranmer blogspot noted that God was thanked in the Abbey, and referred to as Allah, and there was no problem with that because Allah is simply Arabic for 'The God'.

"We may quibble over conflicting doctrines and cavil over contradictory revelations, but if St Paul can address a meeting of the Areopagus and exhort the incipient virtue in the ignorance of Athenian religiosity, whether you call the Creator of the universe 'God', 'Jehovah', 'YHWH', 'I Am' or 'Allah', you are acknowledging (in mirrors darkly) the One who does not live in temples built by human hands, and the One who gives everyone life and breath and everything else," he wrote.

But Cranmer said there was a problem with the prayer the congregation heard, which began "Bizleri yaratan" and included the phrase: "Muhammed Mustafa".

He wrote: "It's hard to be offended by something one cannot understand. And there can be no offence at all caused by any exhortation of God in Turkish, for God is not an Englishman."

The problem came in the translated succession of prophets which he described as "a comprehensible assertion of Islamic theology".

The succession of prophets "from Adam, Noah and Abraham to Moses, Jesus and Mohammed Mustafa" is chronological, with the first four common to Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Jesus as a prophet is common to Christianity and Islam and Mohammed is a prophet of Islam alone.

Rev Dominic Stockford, pastor of Christ Church, Teddington and chairman of the Protestant Truth Society said: "The recent use of a prayer equating Muhammad with Jesus, used in Westminster Abbey, was the latest in a string of shocking steps taken by the Church of England recently. And for it to be read out in Turkish, contrary to Article XXIV, being as it was 'a tongue not understanded of the people' compounds the matter."

He continued: "How any Christian can think that Jesus and Muhammad can be put together as prophets is beyond me. For one thing, Jesus is no mere prophet, but is Saviour and Lord. The Bible is clear as can be that there is only one God, and that there is only one way to God - and they are Jesus own words which clarify this: 'Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."' (John 14:6). And for another, the religion of Islam is contrary to that of Christianity, denying as it does the divinity of Jesus Christ, and even denying that God has a Son (Surah 19:35-36), a Divinity and a Sonship without which Jesus could be no Saviour."


Of course we already know that the church in England has been long dead and sadly the church in America seems to be following on her heels, but please read the last two paragraphs again as Rev Dominic Stockford nails the truth!!  Say a quick prayer for him because he will come under immense attack from the lukewarm Christians who outnumber him by the thousands if not millions.

As you watch the Muslims continue to kill Christians, atheists, gays, Shi'ite Muslims and basically anyone that they disagree with, notice they always give glory to Allah as they are cutting off the heads or launching missiles or even right before they blow themselves up with a suicide vest...remember these words spoken of by Jesus;

John 16
“All this I have told you so that you will not fall away. 2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God. 3 They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me.

Clearly, our Lord and Savior Jesus told us that the Muslim murderers calling out to Allah DO NOT KNOW Jesus so they can't know the Father.

They are lost and on their way to hell.  So what are we supposed to do as followers of Christ?  Pray for them, love them, build relationships with them and when the Holy Spirit prompts you, tell them about salvation through Jesus Christ.

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