
Friday, May 29, 2015

Don't Call Them Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)

The folks who cut people's heads off with steak knives and burn people alive want to be known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).  But Team Obama doesn't like all these atrocities associated with the name of Islam and neither do the liberal media.  As you know they have both made a real effort to quit saying "Islamic terrorists" and just say, "terrorists".  This way it is up to the listener to discern whether the latest beheadings were done by Lutherans, Methodists or Muslims.

Check out what prophecy watcher Hal Lindsey had to say in his weekly update;

According to the Defense Department and the White House, the capture of Ramadi by the Islamic State is nothing more than a "tactical setback." 

Never mind that ISIS has captured the capital of Iraq's largest province, Anbar Province, just 80 miles west of Iraq's national capital, Baghdad; never mind that ISIS captured the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, not far from Damascus; never mind that ISIS now controls much, if not most, of the border between Syria and Iraq, these are just "tactical setbacks." 

Well, it seems that if you suffer enough "tactical setbacks," you'll lose the war! Tactically-speaking, of course, but maybe not politically-speaking. 

So, the Obama Administration has an idea for a new strategy to contain ISIS -- as announced by the Defense Department: Change the name we use to refer to ISIS or ISIL. 

Yep. You read me right. We are going to change the name. 

Maybe it will sound more powerful or decisive to say we are altering the nomenclature. We will no longer call the jihadis gobbling up Iraq by the name they prefer to be called: Islamic State. We will no longer call them by the name the Administration has previously used: ISIL or Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. And we will no longer refer to them by the name the rest of the world uses: ISIS, or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. 

The U.S. Defense Department recently announced that, henceforth, we shall call ISIS (or ISIL or Islamic State) simply, "Daesh." 

Apparently, the President doesn't want Americans to make the mistake of thinking that Islamic State has anything to do with, or represents any portion of, Islam. 

To me, that's not a strategy or a tactic, that's adolescent nonsense. 

But the absurdity doesn't stop merely with this decision. Unbelievably, the new name, "Daesh" is simply an acronym for "al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham." Which is Arabic for, you guessed it, "The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant." 

Tortured word games are one of the bizarre byproducts of political correctness. 

But even more disconcerting than this sophomoric attempt at political sleight-of-hand is the fact that a U.S. Marine Corps General could be so sanguine about the ISIS capture of Ramadi. On May 15, just two days before the fall of Ramadi to ISIS (Daesh) on May 17, Brigadier General Thomas Weidley, who is head of the U.S. operation against ISIS (Daesh) told the press, "We firmly believe Daesh is on the defensive throughout Iraq and Syria, attempting to hold previous gains, while conducting small-scale, localized harassing attacks, occasional complex or high-profile attacks in order to feed their information and propaganda apparatus." 

As the ship hits the iceberg and begins to sink, Team Obama occupies itself with re arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

This plays right along with Team Obama telling the U.S. Coast Guard graduating class that the biggest threat the world faces is.....CLIMATE CHANGE.  Yep!  War is breaking out all over the world and Iran, ISIS, North Korea, Russia and China may soon be our war adversaries....but Obama chooses to prepare the troops with horrifying tales of global warming!

Awesome!!!  That's the way to rally the troops!

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