
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

In One Hour

Revelation speaks of a time in the future when a great financial, commercial system will be wiped out in an hour.  Recently at an adult education class we discussed ways this could happen.  Some of the candidates were solar storm, nuclear EMP, nuclear bomb, massive quake on the New Madrid fault, Yellowstone super volcano erupting, etc...

Today we see a headline where the U.S. military confirms it has a weapon that can destroy enemy electronics...permanently.

From Ocean's Eleven to Star Trek, weapons that wipe out enemy electronics are a staple of science fiction films.

For years, scientists have been attempting to create such a weapon as part of Champ, or the Counter-electronics High-powered microwave Advanced Missile Project.

Now, the US Air Force claims it has advanced the technology, and says it can deploy it using the stealthy Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile-Extended Range (JASSM).

According to Foxtrot Alpha, once integrated into JASSM, Champ will be a 'first day of war' standoff weapon.

Because it can be launched by both bombers and fighters, Lockheed's Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile, or JASSM, is an ideal platform for Champ. 

'The capability is real … and the technology can be available today,' said Major General Thomas Masiello, the Air Force Research Laboratory.

'That's an operational system already in our tactical air force'

In 2012, aircraft manufacturer Boeing successfully tested the weapon on a one-hour flight during which it knocked out the computers of an entire military compound.

During Boeing's experiment, the missile flew low over the Utah Test and Training Range, discharging electromagnetic pulses on to seven targets, permanently shutting down their electronics.


Of course we already know that if America has this technology it will only be a matter of time before China, Russia or some other rogue state, like ISIS, gets it's hands on such a weapon.

Can you imagine what would happen if this weapon was used against Wall Street and the entire financial district of Manhattan?

Certainly such an event would disrupt EVERYONE in America in a very large way.

I will remind my readers that WE are the FIRST GENERATION to have the technology capable of fulfilling the events of Revelation.  Up until just the last few years many of the events spoken of in Revelation were a total mystery as to HOW they could be literally fulfilled.

What an exciting time to be alive!

Keep looking up!  We need fear NOTHING as Jesus holds us in the palm of His hand.

“‘Woe! Woe to you, great city,
    where all who had ships on the sea
    became rich through her wealth!
In one hour she has been brought to ruin!’--Revelation 18


  1. Dennis,
    you are barking up the wrong tree.
    An emp will wipeout some records but they can be reconstructed.
    More likely is what happened in China, where a company lost half its value in less than a second due to computer trading.

    "On Wednesday, we reported on what was certainly the biggest market news of the week when in under one second, Chinese solar company Hanergy Thin Film crashed by nearly 50% due to what are still unknown reasons. As a reminder, before its crash and indefinite trading suspension, Hanergy’s market value was higher than all other listed Chinese solar companies combined and six times the value of First Solar, the biggest producer of thin-film solar panels." (18 billion in less than a second)

    when computers are trading, the market will tank and the value will be wiped out, not just recordkeeping, but the actual value.
    if it can happen to a company in less than a second, think what an hour would accomplish to the world wide market.
    it is computer assisted trading that will wipe out the value of all assets.

  2. Steve, good point! You may be right! All those zeroes floating around in cyber space could certainly vanish in an instant!
