
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Killing Newborn Babies is Ethical

The liberals are currently in the process of having their minds 'given over' to futile thinking.  Their thoughts are becoming foolish...because they have denied that they have a Creator.  Romans 1 clearly says this is what happens to people who insist on believing that all complex life forms EVOLVED from rocks and pond scum.

Today we find news that a Princeton ethicist believes our society should be able to kill babies if they are mentally disabled.

Princeton professor and animal rights activist Peter Singer argued in a radio interview that it is “reasonable” for healthcare providers, insurance companies, and government programs such as Medicare or Medicaid to kill mentally disabled babies.

Singer appeared on the Aaron Klein Investigative Radio show to discuss his latest book, The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically.

Klein asked Singer—who served as a task force coordinator on President Obama’s 2008 Presidential Campaign—if he believes that Obamacare will lead to healthcare rationing in the United States, specifically in relation to “disabled” babies.

Singer’s answer? It already has.

For example, Singer said, doctors routinely end the life of babies born with brain hemorrhages.

“If an infant is born with a massive hemorrhage in the brain that means it will be so severely disabled that if the infant lives it will never even be able to recognize its mother… doctors will turn off the respirator that is keeping that infant alive.”

Doctors who kill disabled babies, Singer explains, are likely “just influenced by the fact that this will be a terrible burden for the parents to look after.”

This is not a new position for Professor Singer; on his faculty page on Princeton’s website, Singer argues that “killing a newborn baby is never equivalent to killing a person.”

“A normal newborn baby has no sense of the future,” Singer writes, “and therefore is not a person.”


So according to this professor a human needs to have a sense of the future to qualify as being worthy to live and to be called a person.

Hmmm....that means he should also be a proponent of killing all the Alzheimer and dementia patients.  Next we should kill all the people with Downs Syndrome and maybe lots of Autistic folks as well!  In fact, why stop there?  Maybe the government should consider killing everyone who costs the Federal Government MORE than they contribute to it?  That would mean MOST of the people who were 80 years old and older....unless they could prove they were still worthy to be kept around....or could prove that they were paying their own way.

This sounds an awful lot like what Hitler recommended and did.

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