
Friday, May 22, 2015

Religious Colleges May Lose Tax Exempt Status

Chances are good that the Supreme Court is going to make same-sex marriage the law of the land...and it could happen soon.

Discrimination against gays is already what happens to a conservative college that refuses to encourage/support/advocate gay relationships?  Well....maybe the Federal Government decides to pound on them using the IRS.

A conservative religious rights commentator believes if the Supreme Court decides in favor of proponents of same sex “marriage,” religious schools could be at risk of losing their tax-exempt status.

During arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court regarding same-sex marriage, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli admitted that religious colleges could lose their tax-exempt status if the court rules in favor of same sex marriage.

Travis Weber, with the Family Research Council, says that observing religious principles should not be considered discrimination.

“Now of course this is silly because these schools just support traditional marriage and it’s their religious view of marriage that drives this,” he says. “There’s no discrimination at all. But nevertheless it’s conceivable that the courts could buy the government’s argument in this case."

Weber believes if this trend continues, those refusing to endorse same sex marriage could face fines and potentially even imprisonment.

“There is a way around this,” he adds. “The clearest way, the best way, is for legislation to be passed at the federal level and the state level around the country protecting people who support traditional marriage from the government, from the government discriminating against them, intruding into their affairs and penalizing them because of their beliefs.” 


You can take it to the bank that if Christian colleges begin losing tax exemptions that Christian churches won't be far behind.

We hope our solid, Bible believing churches aren't getting caught up in the mirage of wealth and prosperity that appears to be breaking out all over the country....and instead are making contingency plans for how they are going to keep their doors open if they are soon forced to send 30% of their offering income to Uncle Sam....because they refused to marry a lesbian couple.

"Oh Dennis....that could never happen.  This is America!  We have freedom to discriminate and be intolerant of anyone we choose!" you don't.  You can't refuse to marry black people in your church just because of their skin color.

And now that the gay-agenda has successfully told the lie that discrimination against gay behavior is the SAME AS discriminating against black skin just watch the walls fall.

Proverbs 22:3
The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.

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