
Monday, May 11, 2015

September 2015

It seems the latest date to have lots of folks all frothy at the mouth is September, 2015.

Just check out some of these YouTube videos by the dozens that are all ominously claiming that chaos, calamity, civil unrest and martial law are coming for America.

This one claims the greatest nightmare ever is coming;

This one claims all the Bible signs of the End Times are culminating in Sept. 2015;

This one claims that a 2.5 mile wide asteroid will hit us in September, which is why the U.S. Government is furiously making plans to go underground;

This one claims that the illuminati know what's coming in September;

And of course we DO have the final blood-red-moon that will happen in September and this video tells us we better prepare now; 

So what's up??

Here's what we do know....followers of Christ should be totally suspect of date setters.  Jesus told his disciples that NO MAN knows the day or the hour of God's coming when you find other Christians who are telling you that the rapture is coming in September or that a Trumpet Judgment is going to happen on such and such a would be wise to just move on.

Jesus also told his followers that when you see all these things begin to happen, then "look up" because our redemption is near.  So clearly Jesus doesn't want us to be ignorant of all the signs HE clearly told us to watch for, he just doesn't want us claiming we know the exact dates of when these things are coming.

As you look around the world at the unrest, the earthquakes, perversion, wars, tornadoes and godlessness, it doesn't take a prophet to take notice and say, "I wouldn't be surprised if something big was on the horizon."

So WE don't believe we can KNOW that something big is coming in September, but we wouldn't be surprised if something big happened any day now.

1 Thessalonians 5
4 But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.

Also we think it's interesting how many fingers are pointing at September 2015, so thought we would point it out to you folks.

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