
Friday, May 15, 2015

Warning Signs Are Everywhere

President Obama openly scoffed at ex Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann who clearly warned that if the USA continues cursing Israel it's not going to go well for America.  As you can see in the video those in Obama's audience roared with laughter.

The big quakes continue to come with thousands dead in Nepal.

The wars continue to build.  We don't even blink when we hear of hundreds of people beheaded, burned, raped and tortured by followers of Islam.  We have become desensitized.

If you go to YouTube and type in September 2015 you will end up seeing DOZENS of videos warning that something big is coming for America and the world in September.  Of course this also coincides with the final blood moon that some folks are also sounding a warning about.

Watch this video here....and make sure to hear Obama scoff;

I personally have no idea if something big is going to happen in September.  I am at the point where there are so many signs of the 2nd Coming happening at once that I will not be surprised if the trumpet were to blow any day now and Christ would break into this Satanic planet and snatch His Bride and take her away.

After that happens then all sorts of crazy stuff is going to play out.  It will ultimately get so heinous and awful that Jesus himself said that if He didn't return in the 2nd Coming to stop those days that NO FLESH would survive on earth.

Even a casual observer should see that the wheels are about to come off the bus in America.  What could trigger it?

I have no idea.

When could the trigger happen?

I have no idea.

"But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that THIS DAY should surprise you like a thief."

Yep!  I will not be surprised in the Day of the Lord starts anytime now....

Hat tip to Ron G.

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