
Monday, June 8, 2015

Did a Small Nuke Explode in Yemen?

Maybe none of you have seen this, but it is being reported by one liberal outlet that a small, tactical nuke was dropped in Yemen.  It's all rumors but there is some pretty decent cell-phone video that captures the mushroom cloud and the shock wave of a massive explosion.

Today in the Wall Street Journal there are reports of Saudi led airstrikes on the capital of Yemen that hit a military base controlled by Houthi rebels...who are financed by Iran.  The report says the strikes killed 44 and injured 138.

Watch the video of this explosion here;

If we were betting men, we would bet the Saudis dropped a bunker-buster bomb that would have been supplied to them by the USA.

For now we can file this under, "Wars and Rumors of War."

Also this is simply more evidence that the wars in the Middle East are going to continue to increase....exactly as the Bible says they will.

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