
Friday, June 5, 2015

Jerusalem is at the Center of Tensions

The Bible clearly says that in the Last Days, Jerusalem will be at the center of world events and attention.  All eyes will be upon her.  She will become a cup of trembling and all the nations that mess with her will ultimately injure themselves.

What the heck?  Why should the world give one care about some little city in the Middle East that isn't even on the ocean or a major trade route? It makes NO LOGICAL SENSE!  The ONLY explanation of WHY Jerusalem is in the world news almost every single day is because it is God's Holy City and Satan (The Prince of the Earth) wants it for himself....and he wants it bad.

Check out this article from Reuters News updating us on the Holy Mount in Jerusalem.

Special Report: Prayers inflame tensions over Jerusalem holy site

Every morning at 7.30, Murad Hamad sets up a flimsy plastic chair in the shade of the Moroccans' Gate entrance to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem and waits for the tourists to arrive.

    Hamad's job is to help keep the peace at one of the world's holiest places, a site sacred to both Muslims, who call the compound the Noble Sanctuary, and to Jews, who refer to it as the Temple Mount because of the building that once stood there. The guard is not much concerned with the sun-creamed tourists. But he pays close attention to the groups of devout Jews and Israeli nationalists who try most days to enter the site and pray.

    Those groups are at the center of a creeping shift in Jerusalem: After 900 years, Jews are chipping away at Muslims' exclusive control of the site, the third holiest in Islam. The shift, which has provoked violence in the past, threatens to open a dangerous new front in the Israel-Palestinian conflict, adding religious enmity to a political struggle in the very heart of the disputed city.

 Al-Aqsa has banned non-Muslim prayer since 1187. Like Muslims across the region, Hamad and the other 70 or so guards employed by the Waqf, the Islamic trust that oversees the mosque, see Jews praying there as a serious insult.

    The risk of confrontation remained small as long as the groups pushing for the right to pray remained at the fringes of Judaism. A decade or so ago, a handful of Jewish faithful would enter the compound each day. Attempts at prayer were rare. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel declared in 2007 that Jews should not visit the site because it was too holy.

    But in recent years the radical fringe has become increasingly mainstream, drawing in nationalist, secular supporters and backing from high-profile politicians. A hundred or more Jews can arrive at the mosque some days, in large, organized groups. Last year Yossi Farenti, then Jerusalem District Police Chief, told the Israeli parliament's Internal Affairs committee that the number of Jews visiting the site had increased 27 percent in the first half of 2014. "There is indeed a worsening in the past few years as to what happens at Temple Mount," he said. "This is a fact. No one disagrees. You can see it in the numbers."

    A range of groups, some of them well financed by the Jewish diaspora, are campaigning for open access to Temple Mount, which Jews believe is the point from where God created the world and was the site of the second Jewish temple until 70 AD (see "Disputed land"). They want the right for Jews to pray alongside Muslims. Some even want to build a new temple and have crafted sacred gold-and-silver vessels and hand-stitched priestly vestments ready for the day it is sanctified. Other supporters are breeding red heifers, hoping for one without a white blemish that can be sacrificially slaughtered at the temple, as described in the Book of Numbers.

    Palestinian Muslims and others across the region fear their control is slipping.

    "They want to change the rules," said Hamad, the Waqf guard.

   "The Temple Mount is the holiest place in the world according to the Bible and there should be freedom to pray for all believers – Jews, Christians and Muslims."

    That is not how Mohammad Ahmed Hussein, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the head of the Waqf, sees it.

    As the inheritor of a job handed down almost without break since the 12th century, Hussein is the overriding religious authority at Al-Aqsa and holds the keys to the mosque. He believes the precedent created by more than 800 years of religious practice is incontrovertible.

    "No one but Muslims are allowed to perform any kind of prayers at Al-Aqsa," he told Reuters, referring to the compound rather than just the mosque itself.

    "Jewish prayer at Al-Aqsa is not so much an insult as it is an aggression. If Jews try to pray at Al-Aqsa, it will only create more tensions in the region."


If something totally lacks can almost be certain that a supernatural force is preventing people from seeing the logic.  HOW can Islam be called a religion of peace when they REFUSE to let Jews onto the 35 acres that used to house The Temple Jesus worshiped at?  That is the most racist, illogical thing I have ever heard..."NO JEWS ALLOWED!"....and yet The West continues to pass along the lie that Islam is "tolerant and beautiful" so we should allow them free pass to build new mosques (that exclude Jews and Christians) in any free country in the world?

Friends, remember that Jerusalem is mentioned in the Bible over 800 times.  It is NEVER mentioned by name in the Koran.  Also remember that the Koran was written 800 years AFTER Christ ascended to heaven and the Bible had been THE BOOK for over 700 years!  Christianity had blossomed all through the Middle East......AND THEN came Satan, whispering to Mohammad in that cave....telling him lies and tickling his ears.

And today it would seem that that the tension between God's Chosen people, The Jews...and Satan's chosen people, the Muslims, is about to blow up....and one of the flashpoints could be the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.


  1. God's chosen people are those who trust in Jesus for salvation, whether they be Jews or Gentiles it does not matter. The dividing wall was torn down by Christ's work on the Cross and resurrection. To hold the view that ethnic/national Jews are God's chosen people today is to reject Christ altogether. Dispensationalism is complete heresy. The promises of the Old Testament were fulfilled in Christ.

    Acts 10:34-35
    Galatians 3:28
    Colossians 3:11
    Ephesians 2:14

    Matthew 23:37-38 (Jesus speaking) “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you DESOLATE."

  2. According to Luke 24, Jesus opened the eyes of unbelievers and showed them that the Scriptures (i.e. Old Testament) were all about him...from Moses, all the prophets, the Psalms...everything. The whole kaboodle. And that repentance and forgiveness of sins will be proclaimed to ALL NATIONS (not just to Jews).

    Luke 24: 25ff And he (Jesus) said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into mhis glory?” 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself...So he went in to stay with them. 30 When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them. 31 And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him...32 They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”...

    44 Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, 46 and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day prise from the dead, 47 and that repentance and 3 forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations..."

  3. I don't understand why people comment negatively on this blog. I am thankful Dennis is willing to gather this information in one place. You critical "anonymous" Christians should do your own blog and quit criticizing this one!! ---Amy Wheeler

  4. Hi Anonymous,
    you say, "To hold the view that ethnic/national Jews are God's chosen people today is to reject Christ altogether. Dispensationalism is complete heresy. The promises of the Old Testament were fulfilled in Christ."

    Heresy? Please tell me you are kidding! You best take up your heresy argument with Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Dr. Jeffers, David Jeremiah, Pastor Greg Laurie, Pastor Max Frasier, Dr. Oliver Blosser and a whole host of other very respected and God-fearing Christian leaders who are clearly sounding the trumpet that the AGE OF GRACE could soon be coming to a very abrupt end. It will start with the Rapture when Christ calls His bride home to show all He has prepared for her. The 1000 year reign of Christ will begin the MILLENNIUM AGE when Christ will sit on the throne after he returns to save the remnant Jews and puts an end to the battles of Armageddon...lest NO FLESH SURVIVE.

    Please don't tell me you are one of those PRETERISTS who believe all prophecy has already been fulfilled? Of all the stances on how Biblical promises are going to play out in the future....that has to be one of the most delusional.

    Tell you what, rather than me calling YOU a heretic and you calling me one....why don't you go serve the Lord and do something productive instead of arguing with other Christians who have arrived at different conclusions that you. When you stand before Jesus one day you will give an account of WHY YOU believed what you believed and I will do the same. As long as you have a good explanation of HOW you studied your Bible and yet arrived at your false conclusions...I'm sure you will still be OK since at least you made an effort. (smiley face)

  5. Hi Anonymous,
    yes, the Gospel will be preached to all nations during THE TRIBULATION and a big part of that will be accomplised by the 144,000 virgin, Jewish males who will be supernaturally empowered for the task. Also the two witnesses standing in the street in Jerusalem destroying anyone with fire who come too close...they also will be preaching the coming Kingdom of Christ.

    Make no mistake, just because the Jews and Israel are God's chosen people and land... this has no bearing on their current salvation. "I am the way the truth and the life. NO MAN comes to the Father except through me." said Jesus. That means no pagan, no Muslim, no Buddhist, no black man, no white man and no Jew will see the Kingdom unless they accept Christ during the AGE OF GRACE in which we currently find ourselves.

    However, God's promises to the Jews and Israel are still in full effect....and when the AGE OF GRACE is over, God will then turn his full power on Israel and the Jews....allowing the wrath of Antichrist and the judgments of Revelation to be poured out on them full force....but yet the remnant will be saved.

    If you have any doubts about the modern day miracle of Israel and the return of the Jews to her from ALL CORNERS OF THE WORLD and how this is an ongoing fulfillment of prophecy....I would suggest strongly that you look into it. It may open your eyes to the fact that God has a chosen people and a chosen land...even though they have rejected His Son...for now.
