
Friday, July 3, 2015

Gay Marriage Now Opens Door for Polygamy

We don't like to say, "I told you so!".....but in this instance we are going to have to because we have been blogging about how legalized gay marriage will automatically open the door to polygamy.

Think about it, why should the lesbians and gays get there way and leave the bisexuals back in the dust!  Isn't it called LGBT?  And doesn't the B stand for bisexual?

So how "unloving", how "intolerant", how "bigoted" is it to deny the bisexuals the opportunity to marry at least one man and one woman?

Also, what if two woman want to marry one man?  They both love him they both respect each other and he loves both of them.  How unloving, intolerant and bigoted is it for YOU to deny them their happiness?  Just because it's not for you, what business is it of yours to say what's right or wrong for others?

Is gay marriage paving the way for legal polygamy?

The conversation came up after Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts made this statement in his dissent:
“Although the majority randomly inserts the adjective 'two' in various places, it offers no reason at all why the two-person element of the core definition of marriage may be preserved while the man-woman element may not. Indeed, from the standpoint of history and tradition, a leap from opposite-sex marriage to same-sex marriage is much greater than one from a two-person union to plural unions, which have deep roots in some cultures around the world.”
His remarks encouraged others to reconsider the plausibility of legalizing polygamous marriage.  
Politico’s Deboer reaffirms Cooke’s claim. “If current legal structures and precedents aren’t conducive to group marriage, then they will be built in time.”
Yet supporters for polygamous marriage are met with another rebuttal. In his op-ed, Slate’s William Saletan stresses where arguments for same-sex marriage and polygamy overlap, then states where they don’t. One of his claims refers to the understanding of homosexuality as an immutable aspect of a person, which he says is the “biggest difference between homosexuality and polyamory.”   
Others have also pointed to immutability as the line that negates the comparison of the two. In a 2009 Newsweek article, Jessica Bennet asks if polyamory could be the “next sexual revolution.” 
She tells the story of Seattle groups who practice "ethical nonmonogamy," engaging in loving, intimate relationships with more than one person and says that the main policy issue polyamorous couples are concerned with isn’t marriage. It’s the right to secure custody of their children.
Yet when considering where polygamy stands in comparison to same-sex marriage, Bennet writes, “Polyamory is a choice; homosexuality is not.”
Ms. Bennet!  Are you saying bisexuality is a choice???  Oh my goodness!!  Whatever job you currently hold, I hope the mob shouts you out of it!  Your hatefulness and intolerance should disqualify you from ever writing an article for Newsweek again!  And if Newsweek publishes anymore of your articles we should all boycott Newsweek!
Friends, Pandora's box has been opened in this country.  There will be no shutting it back up.

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